
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

The first and foremost thing you will have to remember is that most women gain around 20 to 50 kilograms of weight during pregnancy and after

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childbirth, it becomes highly important to think about how to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. Regardless of whether you are planning to lose 5 or 50 pounds you can follow certain things to achieve the same.

Choose nursing as the tool:Most new moms, who are hesitant about nursing, are not aware of the fact that nursing burns up to 500 calories of their weight every day. This is a number equivalent to different forms of exercises prescribed for new moms. But, when you are nursing, it is important that you will have to get enough calories from the foods that you consume to produce lots of milk for your baby.Cardio and weight training can help:Besides restricting the diet, it is important that some exercises are to be done. Here, it is important that the new mom should not strain her a lot and even when she does cardio and weight training, she should do it carefully.

Eat frequently:Women worried about how to lose weight after pregnancy are also recommended to eat frequently. Rather than taking three full meals a day, they are recommended to split the meals into six by adding healthy foods like fruits and vegetable to the diet. This in addition to helping them in weight loss will also help with increasing the breast milk production.


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