
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Just because you get old doesn't mean you can't exercise anymore. Unlock Your Glutes Review In fact, although many people do not know it, any healthy muscle, regardless of a person's age, will respond to exercise.In addition to the fact that muscle will respond to exercise, it also will help to keep joints from becoming stiff and immobile, which is a common complaint in elderly people. Studies have shown that exercise may even help to strengthen your bones. The reason for this is that the bones are stimulated by the pull of muscle which in turn can cause the bones to acquire calcium.

Some of the best exercises for the elderly include flexing and stretching. You can start with gentle bending and extending, along with rotating all the joints including the neck, elbows, hips, knees, back, shoulders, and ankles.Excellent aerobic exercises include walking, as well as dancing and swimming. Riding and using and exercise bicycle is another great aerobic exercise for elderly people.

Walking is also one of the safest ways to exercise and stay in shape, along with swimming. Swimming is another excellent way for the elderly to exercise as it places much less strain on the heart than other forms of exercise.By exercising outdoors elderly people also help to combat another common problem as they age, osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a softening of the bones usually associated with people over the age of 40. Sunlight along with physical activity, like exercise, helps to reduce calcium loss, which will weaken bones and can contribute to Osteoporosis. So get outside in the fresh air and do some walking, or even just some stretching and flexing.

Contrary to popular belief, the only reason for muscles to shrink are from disease and or disuse, not from aging. Exercise will maintain musculature and even after age 50, will expand it.Initially exercise was mainly touted to be mainly helpful in reducing the risks of heart attacks. But a study, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, that lasted over 20 years, has shown that men who started out physically unfit were 44% less likely to die as long as they improved their physical fitness regime. The study also showed that men who were fit and continued to stay fit and exercise regularly were 67% less likely to die than their counterparts who stayed unfit and did not exercise.


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