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Chaldean Numerology Says Letters Have Meanings - So What Do Your Initials Say About You

If you have read any of my past articles on the hidden meanings Horoscope Bracelet 2019 Review behind the letters of your name, it should come as no surprise when I tell you that your initials actually mean something. Mine are HAL -- like the crazy on board computer in Kubrick's Odyssey -- but that's another story. So what are your initials Are you wondering what they might have to say about you. Well, that's why I'm here -- to let you in on this secret you likely didn't even know you were keeping.

Briefly, the practice of numerology goes back hundreds of years before Mr. Pythagoras burst onto the scene -- he was the Greek mathematician who popularized the so-called 'Western' system that is still in use today -- however, the father of this system was known as 'Chaldean' as it sources back to an area called Chaldea (otherwise known as the 'cradle of civilization'). Even modern numerologists often concur that the Chaldean chart is much more accurate but they also agree that it is simply too difficult for the average brain to wrap itself around. One of the unusual aspects of this ancient art was and is that it involves the elemental meanings of each of the letters in our alphabet -- after all, it is highly unlikely that the alphabet just dropped out of the sky one fine morning: it had a distinct beginning and grew based on a system similar to 'hieroglyphics' in that each symbol carried a particular meaning or set of meanings.

Enough of that -- let's get to the good stuff.Is one of your initials an M or a D or maybe a T Since all of these letters are ruled by the number four (which is very reliable and consistent -- consider the 4 seasons, the 4 winds, the 4 directions, the 4 corners of a house), chances are good that you will consider yourself as responsible, reliable, stable and loyal. And chances are also good that you will really have all of these admirable and honorable traits.

However, there is more to the picture -- if the D/4 is a Door; the M/4 a Mountain (range) and the T/4 a plus sign (+), then the D might need to open up to other vistas; the M might need to blow off steam and the T might need to understand that less is more -- in other words, a thousand interests do not allow expertise in many, while one allows mastery.


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