
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

3 Heart Attack Warnings - Save Your Life From Heart Attack

You think it cannot happen to you but maybe you just do not Advanced CardioRX Review want to entertain this idea. However, the truth remains that heart attack can happen to everyone. Thus, you need to be aware of the warning signs of heart attack. This knowledge is essential to understanding your true health. In fact, knowing the warnings featured here can be your life saver. This article will feature 3 heart attack warnings that you need to be aware of.The general knowledge is that heart attacks occur suddenly without warning signs. This might be true but the truth is that heart attacks slowly start as a mild pain or discomfort. But such symptoms are normally ignored because they just come and go.

The dilemma is that people do not usually recognize these signs as already heart attack warnings. In fact, some people mistake them for symptoms of other conditions. Hence, they tend to wait too long to seek medical attention.Here are the 3 warning signs. These signs can save the lives of your loved ones or even your own: Chest discomfort happens in the center of the chest and usually lasts for more than a few minutes. Then, it just simply goes away and then comes back again. There is a feeling of uncomfortable pressure, pain, fullness, and intense squeezing in one's chest area.

Intriguingly, a study from 2002 examined heart dysfunction in 800 female patients with cardiac abnormalities and found that those who ranked most highly on a scale measuring hostility and anger were twice as likely to die of heart attacks as the calmer women. Astonishingly, this study found that hostility was appreciably more dangerous to the survival of these patients than smoking, hypertension or high blood cholesterol.

An implication from findings such as this is that, as ordinary life becomes ineluctably faster, more hectic and more stressful, greater attention may need to be given to combating its long-term, cumulative effects on cardiac health. Exercise is known to help purge the body of stress-related substances, and a healthy, high fiber, low fat diet can significantly assist in preventing heart disease. But perhaps other measures specifically concerned with inculcating calmness and serenity, such as yoga, T'ai Chi or psychotherapy, are equally important.


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