Title: Kisaragi no Hougyoku
Genre: Adventure, Casual
Waiting for you guys, Infinitemangastudios
Release Date: 30 Jan, 2010
The premise of this game is the most forced romance plot I've ever seen. Ever.
The translation is atrocious, there are rampant errors in the script, there's very little use of visuals to aid the writing, there are no choices to be made, and the music is primitive.
The fact that the game is glitched and sticks you in an infinite loop where you can't advance is actually a blessing. Even though this is an indie game created on a small budget, it's still inexcusably bad.. The premise of this game is the most forced romance plot I've ever seen. Ever.
The translation is atrocious, there are rampant errors in the script, there's very little use of visuals to aid the writing, there are no choices to be made, and the music is primitive.
The fact that the game is glitched and sticks you in an infinite loop where you can't advance is actually a blessing. Even though this is an indie game created on a small budget, it's still inexcusably bad.
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