Title: Dissimilation
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Simulation
Fivesyounger Development
Fivesyounger Development
Release Date: 15 Feb, 2018
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Has a lot of potential. I like the transitions between space exploration and internal fights a lot. It feels like it needs to be a little smoother and maybe a tad slower. I don't meen the action or the fights. just the pacing and the movement.. Has a lot of potential. I like the transitions between space exploration and internal fights a lot. It feels like it needs to be a little smoother and maybe a tad slower. I don't meen the action or the fights. just the pacing and the movement.. Has a lot of potential. I like the transitions between space exploration and internal fights a lot. It feels like it needs to be a little smoother and maybe a tad slower. I don't meen the action or the fights. just the pacing and the movement.. Its fun game, i like that you added lots of mekanisms to it, something we should have in game was a character profile to see what tools you having with you! when i buy fuel ,crafting tools and guns, it would be more fun to have that!. Its fun game, i like that you added lots of mekanisms to it, something we should have in game was a character profile to see what tools you having with you! when i buy fuel ,crafting tools and guns, it would be more fun to have that!. Its fun game, i like that you added lots of mekanisms to it, something we should have in game was a character profile to see what tools you having with you! when i buy fuel ,crafting tools and guns, it would be more fun to have that!
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