
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Cheap Trick Live at the House of Blues Los Angeles - February 25, 2010

Last night one of the greatest power pop bands of all time rocked Pianoforall Review the House of Blues in West Hollywood. I may have been the only person in the world who hasn't seen Cheap Trick in concert until now but it was worth the wait. There are many royalty free MIDI samples available either through download or a physical disc. With many of these samples available free of charge, and others available for a onetime fee, it's only logical to seek these samples to prevent losing not only millions of pounds but also a career.

This was a special show for me since it was my 12-year-old sons first concert and each of us have an affinity for anything Beatles, so Cheap Trick made sense for us on many levels. Also what a treat to see these tried and true rock stars for the first time live, in such a small venue. In addition, as if seeing Rick Nielsen, Robin Zander, Bun E. Carlos and Tom Petersson wasn't enough, their back up band consisted of Jason Falkner on rhythm guitar and Roger Manning on keyboards, each the members of the first incarnation of the band Jellyfish.

Cheap Trick has recorded over 20 studio albums and played a solid hour of back to back hits that focused on their first few albums Heaven Tonight, Dream Police and In Color and added a few choice selections from their most recent album 'The Latest', released June 2009. Interestingly enough, the songs from The Latest are melodically and sonically similar to their writing style from their early career.

The House of Blues is my favorite venue to see a show since it is so intimate. This can be trouble for some bands who can't seem find a way to reproduce their sound to playing for such as small audience. However, Cheap Trick has got their sound down to a science. This was literally a wall of perfectly mixed music that showed off the talent of each member of the band with precise clarity. Except for a slight keyboard squeal here and there, perfection.


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