
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

As with all Mutable Communicator Signs, we now prepare for an Royal Numerology Review upcoming change of season. Sagittarius whisks away Autumn- requesting the collective to focus upon reacting quickly, versatility, alertness, and most importantly pay attention to perspective in our lives. With its' ruling planet Jupiter, those influenced by The Archer take on life with an educated, honest, and generous approach.

Venus enters Sagittarius upon 01 December. As Ms. Harmony catches up to our Sun, one can expect a concentration of exploration, high-spirits, and sincerity to be at the core of value related matters. This transit grants the collective the channel to find harmony through philosophy and adventure. Check your Sagittarian House in the birth chart- this will be the slice of life that excellence and pleasure can be ultimately gained in through the application of freedom-loving values until Christmas Day.

Mercury enters Capricorn 05 December. Now on the climb up the mountain with the Goat, The Messenger asks us to focus upon diplomatic and conventional expressions while utilizing clear and cautious communications. Beware of unimaginative, rigid, and suspicious mentalities over this 3-week passage. The Capricorn piece of your Zodiac pie points to what area of life to ultimately expect an air of resourceful and carefully cultivated energies to emerge.

Mars goes into a 3-month retrograde period in Leo on 20 December, marking a time to steer clear of unbridled desires and brash attitudes. The collective is wise to embrace passionate opportunities that stimulate leadership, enthusiasm and benevolence. Remember the Leo house in the personal birth chart indicates the area of life where you are wise to revisit loyalty, independence, candidacy, and find a new way to mobilize your energy through 10 March, 2010.May the generosity of the holiday season bless you and yours with what you honestly can first give to yourself, to properly guide your kindnesses to others.


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