Title: Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Jack Atlas vs Yuya
Genre: Simulation
Other Ocean Interactive
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
Release Date: 7 Dec, 2016
yugioh arc v jack atlas vs yuya
"Ouja no Kodou, Ima koko ni Retsu wo nasu.. This DLC contains 2 decks a Red Dragon Archfiend and a Dinomist deck. These cards can only be obtained through the DLC.. I like both of the decks in here, I just don't think that everyone would. Both of these decks are slightly underwhelming. There are only two good cards to use in other decks IMO. Red resonator is a really good tuner and fiendish rino is used in many P.K fire decks. Only buy if you like the decks or need the two good cards.
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