Title: Woodle Tree Adventures
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Fabio Ferrara
Chubby Pixel
Release Date: 6 Jun, 2014
I know this is supposed to be a review of sorts but...words aren't enough.. this game was 3 pence. never been so happy about a game, since the tree at the beginning looks like gandalf
. good cheap game especially love the camera angles. 10\/10
Like Skyrim with trees. Born from father to help the world grow by collecting water from the ancient times! This game takes you on a fine adventure to places no one has ever been. Your mission to bring the world the water of life, and the many dangers on your way is a challange for all of us!
Woodle Tree Adventures is a joy for speedrunners and is a most fun game to enjoy.
It's also good for fast achievements.
Gameplay - 8\/10
Difficulty - 4\/10
Fun - 10\/10
Total = 7\/10. Woodle Tree Adventures is about a tree boy. He was born to snatch and run, stuffing as many berries as he can in is pack. Why must he take all of the worlds food supply? The poor travelers feel tree boy's wrath, hit in the face by a small leaf. Cat man, ice cream dude, and many others suffer the boy's beatings. The tree boy's goal is to collect fairy tears to heal the old man tree. The inncoent tree boy has been manipulated into doing the bad old man tree's work. Why must tree boy make the sweet fairies cry? What has this world come to?
I r8 this 8\/8
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