Title: Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune Collector's Edition
Genre: Adventure, Casual
Shaman Games Studio
Shaman Games Studio
Release Date: 7 May, 2014
witch's pranks frog's fortune collector's edition. witch's pranks frog's fortune collector's edition. witch's pranks frog's fortune collector's edition walkthrough. witch's pranks frog's fortune collector's edition walkthrough
This is such a light hearted game. I thoroughly enjoyed the adventures and laughed at the characters.. Extremely cute game. Lots of neat puzzles and a decent range of them. Concept works and they even added a bonus frog in this version for you. I would love if they decide to make a few dlc with more frog/puzzles going on as well.. Short and cute casual adventure. Doesn't really have any hidden object scenes, it's more about solving puzzles. The story never really goes anywhere, but I guess it's not really an issue per se. The visuals are very pleasing and there's no upscaling or pixelation to speak of. The animations are also pretty well done. Overall, it seems to have higher production values than the average HOG. A couple hidden object scenes would have helped break the routine, actually, but it's still very much worth playing. Strangely, the game made my fans spin very quickly, and was running at some 6000fps! Fortunately I just had to enable Vsync from the graphics card control panel to solve the problem for good.. This game is brilliant!!! The art is amazing and creates its own universe after just 2 screens. It's one of the most beautiful games i've seen for a while. The scenario is fun to follow & the game is really pleasant to be played. It's not difficult at all but you spend 3 or 4 hours of very nice moments. No HO scenes in this game.. this is one of the best HOGs i have ever played. beautiful graphics, good story and great sound tracks. pros. beautiful graphics good story great sound tracks. no text based HO scenes cons. short (around two hours 20 minutes for the main story and around half an hour for the bonus story) i had one to desktop crash sadly only ingame achievements. i highly recommend this game to all HOG new players and hardcore fans. it is a very well made game and im sure you will enjoy it. i give it 9/10 due to the one crash i had and not due its shortness. p.s.. The frogs are hilarious and fun game over all.
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