Title: Winter Fury: The Longest Road
Genre: Action, Indie, Early Access
Spidermonk Entertainment
10th Reality
Release Date: 30 May, 2019
There weren't any reviews or YouTube content so I figured I'd take a chance, despite swearing I'd never buy another Early Access title again.
I'm actually really surprised. It's a wave shooter but pretty fun and easy to get into. I could see it being a hit for showing off VR to friends, although I've had my Vive since pre-order and I found it fun, as well. Time went by fairly quickly while playing which means I was having fun. Graphics are average - nothing groundbreaking but not terrible, either. Sounds are stock and mediocre, although I guess I don't really expect the developer to rent out a bunch of WW2 guns and buy thousands of dollars in sound equipment, either. Gameplay is good - it started to feel somewhat repetitive for about a minute at the end of the first mission but it wasn't a deal breaker. I haven't ran across any bugs yet and you can tell that the developer put a lot of time into the game.
Overall, I'm impressed and think it's worth a go. I'm very pleased to finally have a new VR game that I don't need to refund. Looking forward to improvements and more content.. It's pretty trash. There weren't any reviews or YouTube content so I figured I'd take a chance, despite swearing I'd never buy another Early Access title again.
I'm actually really surprised. It's a wave shooter but pretty fun and easy to get into. I could see it being a hit for showing off VR to friends, although I've had my Vive since pre-order and I found it fun, as well. Time went by fairly quickly while playing which means I was having fun. Graphics are average - nothing groundbreaking but not terrible, either. Sounds are stock and mediocre, although I guess I don't really expect the developer to rent out a bunch of WW2 guns and buy thousands of dollars in sound equipment, either. Gameplay is good - it started to feel somewhat repetitive for about a minute at the end of the first mission but it wasn't a deal breaker. I haven't ran across any bugs yet and you can tell that the developer put a lot of time into the game.
Overall, I'm impressed and think it's worth a go. I'm very pleased to finally have a new VR game that I don't need to refund. Looking forward to improvements and more content.. It's pretty trash. There weren't any reviews or YouTube content so I figured I'd take a chance, despite swearing I'd never buy another Early Access title again.
I'm actually really surprised. It's a wave shooter but pretty fun and easy to get into. I could see it being a hit for showing off VR to friends, although I've had my Vive since pre-order and I found it fun, as well. Time went by fairly quickly while playing which means I was having fun. Graphics are average - nothing groundbreaking but not terrible, either. Sounds are stock and mediocre, although I guess I don't really expect the developer to rent out a bunch of WW2 guns and buy thousands of dollars in sound equipment, either. Gameplay is good - it started to feel somewhat repetitive for about a minute at the end of the first mission but it wasn't a deal breaker. I haven't ran across any bugs yet and you can tell that the developer put a lot of time into the game.
Overall, I'm impressed and think it's worth a go. I'm very pleased to finally have a new VR game that I don't need to refund. Looking forward to improvements and more content.. It's pretty trash
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