Title: Warhammer Vermintide - Kruber 'Carroburg Livery' Skin
Genre: Action, Indie
Release Date: 12 Jul, 2017
Carroburg greatswords.thats all you need to know look them up and then come back to buy this skin. I would love to see a "special" 2 hand great sword to match the outfit. I really dont care about the stats on it except it should be competetive with Reikland great sword. Other than that, then the outfit looks cool and the roleplay enhanced even further.. MAGNIFICENT. I would love to see a "special" 2 hand great sword to match the outfit. I really dont care about the stats on it except it should be competetive with Reikland great sword. Other than that, then the outfit looks cool and the roleplay enhanced even further.. Definitely the best of all the new skins. It provides a new, fresh and visually appealing skin to Kruber, and is the only new skin that doesn't clash with the rest of the game. I really recommend it, especially if you like the uniforms of the empire seen in Warhammer art and on the more flamboyant table top models.. I would love to see a "special" 2 hand great sword to match the outfit. I really dont care about the stats on it except it should be competetive with Reikland great sword. Other than that, then the outfit looks cool and the roleplay enhanced even further.. This price for ONE skin?. Carroburg greatswords.thats all you need to know look them up and then come back to buy this skin. I usually turn my nose up at cosmetic DLC's, but these devs are worth supporting.. Overpriced palette swapped skin.
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