Title: VIOLET: Space Mission
Genre: Action, Indie, Simulation
Killer Lobster
Killer Lobster
Release Date: 20 Jan, 2016
-great style
-2d animation and character art is pretty good
-awesome setting
-some of the challenges are super unfair
-clearly a mobile port
-gets very repetitive
overall: 5\/10. This looked like a cool mix of subspace and the martian and gravity. Definitely my kind of game. It doesn't do a great job of it though. It's very very frustrating to play and it looks like it was made for a phone or tablet which it clearly was.. PROS:
-great style
-2d animation and character art is pretty good
-awesome setting
-some of the challenges are super unfair
-clearly a mobile port
-gets very repetitive
overall: 5\/10. This looked like a cool mix of subspace and the martian and gravity. Definitely my kind of game. It doesn't do a great job of it though. It's very very frustrating to play and it looks like it was made for a phone or tablet which it clearly was.
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