Title: Vicky Saves the Big Dumb World
Genre: Action, Indie
Release Date: 1 Oct, 2015
vicky saves the big dumb world
Awesome game!
- Great story
- Coolest intro ever
- Stupidest SFX's in the world
- Alot humor
- Sometimes inaccurate
- Levels makes me suicidal +1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_ixY4V_kIo. This game is way too much fun :D
I love the atmosphere.... especially the soundtrack... boss music is hella dope. If I had friends I'd buy them this game.
It has a simplicity to it and reminds me of a lot of the older platformers I used to play growing up during the mid eightie's and nineties...
You'd be doing yourself a HUGE favor picking up this gem.
I'm totally going to do a stream of this... it is wicked fun to watch.... Jump key doesn't work half the time, lame, very lame. And the platforms that go up and down except for when you jump on to them, that's just annoying. Games should be fun, not annoying.
Not recommended until the controls work properly.. Threw my controller on the ground after Level 4. That could be a good gauge of how annoying a platformer is.
The jumping is kind of crappy and not as responsive as the level design would demand. Vicky should've probably put in some cardio, used a trampoline and done some squats before this damn game began, because the ability to DUCK in a platformer with somewhat unresponsive jumping would've been really helpful.
Also, the checkpoint mechanic is kind of \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665, because all it really does is respawn you, any enemies out and about chasing you before your death and respawn will still be there.
But, I can't fault this game too much, I got it for 50 cents, it's usually an \u20ac... and it is visually kind of interesting and quirky. Not so bad I would hate it. I would probably hate it if they asked 5 or 10 \u20ac for it, but for what it is, it's totally fine. It just could've used some more polish for a platformer.. Very strange game. You play as little girl and you try to save world from monsters? Sound great! Game play is awesome. Monsters don't look to scary, but still atmosphere is here. Of course it's not amazing, but if you like indie games and have some spare time, try it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0cMgMdggxY. This game is way too much fun :D
I love the atmosphere.... especially the soundtrack... boss music is hella dope. If I had friends I'd buy them this game.
It has a simplicity to it and reminds me of a lot of the older platformers I used to play growing up during the mid eightie's and nineties...
You'd be doing yourself a HUGE favor picking up this gem.
I'm totally going to do a stream of this... it is wicked fun to watch...
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