Title: Vector 36
Genre: Action, Indie, Racing, Simulation
Red River Studio
Red River Studio
Release Date: 25 Jan, 2017
English,Simplified Chinese
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Its incredibly rare that i find a game that i can lose time on. my first real experience with this game was in a 14 hr stretch. i've had a lot of fun with it, and i'm really looking forward to further updates and development. this game has so much potential.
i bought this for 25 bucks, and id have to say i'm THRILLED with this price and this purchase.
i found my experience in gameplay and skimmer building very similar to the learning curve i had to overcome when i started playing KSP. meaning, it gets scary messing around with a working ship, without understanding how things like center of gravity, center of thrust, really work within this application. it takes some tinkering, but eventually you'll learn through operating how different setups affect performance, speed, and stability
don't think for a second that you're going to play this with mouse and keyboard or even with an x-box controller and be competitive.
i'm using an x-52 pro and its like it was made for it.
4-AXIS FLIGHT STICK USERS BEWARE. this game, to play correctly requires a 5th axis X-Y-Z for pitch, yaw, and roll, a 4th axis for throttle and a 5th axis for your bias between vertical and lateral thrust. this axis is absolutely required to play competitively.
This is still LOADS OF FUN outside of vr, and its a simple enough game that i doubt most people would have an issue running it.
As far as bugs go, i've only found a few. some minor collision and placement issues in the build mode being the only one that was frustrating for me, really.
As of right now there are a few different aspects of the game that are never really explained to you, but you have to learn on your own. this game does very little hand-holding and it can make the game seem harder than it really is. its challenging, but definitely not rage quit worthy. ill be following its development closely. RRS have done an AMAZING JOB so far. GET THIS GAME NOW.
I'd call this game a must-have for racing and sim fans alike
V1.015 Update:
- Hopefully fixed crash bug during game play.
- Added stack trace code so further crashes will be easier to debug
- Added save point on rank up screen. When procedural bosses go bad!:
Mwhwwmmmww - Aghrhhhhaaghh, when procedural bosses go bad! Help!
. V1.043:
Note: These changes have required a reset of the per song scores and per song leaderboards.
- Added Global recent tracks list. Here you can see the recent tracks other people have been playing
- Click on the 'copy to clipboard' to copy the track details to the clipboard. You can then paste this in Spotify, or elsewhere, to quickly find that track.
- Track hashing is now less picky. All tracks are now and lower case and will match on a duration of +/- 5 seconds. (This change of hash system is the reason for the per song score reset as track will now map ti different hash values)
- Tried to improve open mic detection success. The code now listens for 15s instead of the previous 8s.
- Open Mic tracks should now spawn the same as local tracks given the same song.
Note: The result of the next feature vote was Articulated Bosses. So that will be the next major feature I'll be working on.. Ship image creation tutorial for Beat Hazard 2:
Want to create a kick ass ship image for Beat Hazard 2?
Here's how:
Steve. V1.021 Update:
- Added 'play current track' option to main menu
- Added next track mode in game settings
(Will pick next song from Album/Artist/Favourite or Random)
- Press 'N' to play next track in Boss Rush & survival
- Game now saves current browse folder
- Fixed backspace when writing comment when using joystick
- Skip drive letters when searching in file browser
- News feed should work with joystick (untested)
- Can now use page up/down & home to scroll menus. 4 New weapon perks released!:
4 New weapon perks are now available!
Enjoy creating chaos in the enemy ranks.. V1.033:
- Fixed dethroned email notifications
(Please re-enter your email in settings->notification to get these)
- Detected Open Mic tracks now appear in your music browser
(Denoted using Microphone icon)
- Can now access leader boards for played Open Mic tracks this way
- New Cobra missile boss turret
- New Unguided rocket boss turret
- New Split Beam boss turret
Note: 4 new ships currently being tested.
If you want to try them, swap to the 'testing' branch under DLCs and use the password 'okletsdothis'
Please give feedback on the forum/discord server.
. Decoy Perk - First test.:
Just had to share this. My first test of the decoy perk. It's really good fun having twice the firepower!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKED40-Fzk0. V1.005 Update:
New version is live:
- Fixed shader compile error
- Fixed boss rush missiles spam issue
- Fixed open mic ID issue when using Line-in
- Dare devil is now reset when using perk weapons
Big shout out to link1021l on discord in helping me track down the Line-in bug.
Steve. V1.036:
- Fix for open mic line-in problems.
- Open mic mode will now start automatically if you used it last time.
- Fixed missing button prompt in music browser when using gamepad.
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