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UnderRail Download For Pc [Torrent]

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About This Game

Underrail is an old school turn-based isometric indie role playing game that focuses on exploration and combat.

The game is set in a distant future, when the life on the Earth’s surface has long since been made impossible and the remnants of humanity now dwell in the Underrail, a vast system of metro station-states that, it seems, are the last bastions of a fading race.

The player takes control of one of the denizens of such a station-state whose life is about to become all that much more interesting and dangerous, as our protagonist is caught midst the conflicting factions of the Underrail as the violently struggle to survive in the harsh underground environment. a09c17d780

Title: UnderRail
Genre: Indie, RPG
Stygian Software
Stygian Software
Release Date: 18 Dec, 2015


This is one of, if not the most, underrated and overlooked games of all time. With my almost 1000 hours on Steam, and more than 700 on GOG, i'm lost for words, as to why this isn't rated higher.

The greatest strength of Underrail perhaps, is the fantastic tactical combat and the vast myriad of different character builds possible to tackle these challenges. With a vast amount of skills and feats to customize your character, each playthrough feels different from the last. Judging from some of the reviews, the difficulty and learning curve may seem steep for some, but once you get the hang of it, combat becomes a highly rewarding experience.

The second thing that keeps me coming back to this gem of a game is the setting. Though it may draw obvious inspiration from such classics as Fallout and Metro, Underrail lends much more of its mysterious and horrific elements to HP. Lovecraft and the fear of the unknown. From the fate of the surface world, to alien civilizations and incomprehensible, primordial entities lurking far below.

Though the graphics may not seem impressive at first, they quickly grow on you, each settlement and area has a distinct style and feel to it visually. The art direction itself is great and it shows throughout the game.

If you havn't already, there is no reason for you not to gives this game a chance. Considering the amount of content, the price is extremely generous, and a new expansion is soon to be released as well. On a final note: After more than 1700 hours of gameplay, i have not encountered A SINGLE bug. Never a crash nor a glitch. Not even a flicker in the graphics. Stygian Software deserve a standing ovation for all of this.

Gameplay 10\/10

Story 9\/10

Setting \/ World building 10\/10

Graphics 8\/10 - Art direction 9\/10. Very good game. Underrail is a great gem of a game for it's first and second acts. However it should've ended at it's second act because it's also a perfect example of a game that doesn't know when to end, unlike other RPGs this game shows all it's cards before the plot even climaxes. The combat is interesting but ultimately frustrating, unsatisfying, and with AI turns that take way, WAY, too long especially when the game is railing you with 5+ creepers (invisible retreating scorpions that take 20+ turns to defeat despite being a mid game enemy). The combat get's old, the exploration is good and is what really kept me going for the first 60 hours, but eventually that just turns into mindless, endless backtracking. MY GOD THE BACKTRACKING!!! If you wan't to wind your way through endless empty brown hallways that you've already been through hundreds of times then this is the game for you.

My final straw with this game came when I hit a point about a 3rd of the way through where I discovered only AFTER I hit the level 25 cap that my fairly standard melee+guns build wasn't good enough. While it does have it's good parts, such as the inital feel and mystery of the world, it never follows through on them, there are no backstories to discover, no terminals to comb through, the only worldbuilding comes in the form of NPC exposition, very tiring and samey NPC exposition.

I wouldn't be writing a lenthy review like this and have played the game for 70+ hours if I thought the game was utter crap, it has it's good parts, such as the protectorate questline and the arena, but so much of the game is spent waiding through the bad to get to the good that eventually I just grew tired of the endless drudgery of playing it, because in the end games are still supposed to be fun.
. 10\/10 i dont think i've ever given a game 10\/10 before.. Long time fan of games like this (fallout 1,2 etc).
Items and combat are completely unbalanced in this one.
Very frustrating as this could be made into a pretty good game.. VERY VERY POOR GAME DESIGN.
looks not bad in the video but this game is S H I T !!!
its like some drunk and drugged r etards made a CHEAP copy of fallout 2. I recommend this game if you are dying and your only cure is a game like Fallout 1-2.

Otherwise, stay as far away as you can.. too linear for my taste

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