Title: Train Simulator: Metro-North P32 AC-DM 'Genesis' Loco Add-On
Genre: Simulation
Dovetail Games
Dovetail Games - Trains
Train Simulator
not likeing the max speed only getting to fifteen then the emergancy breacks applying how do i stop that. i like the locomotive and the bell but the freeken alerter!!! it just wont go off! dovetall games needs to update this loco becuse i dont like the elerter!!!!. I'm going to give this a thumbs down as it just has too many issues. It is workable however if you need/want a P32. It's the only one. Main reason why I can't recommend it. P42 is similar and so much better. At least to me. + The outside of the model looks very good. Particularly the cars. + The cabcar view is pretty cool and a nice plus. + NEC: New York to New Haven is a good route to have it's scenarios on. + The alerter systems can be turned off if you're in the mood for a less realistic but more relaxing drive. - Scenario issues: Danbury Express has an AI train that would not move on two different starts and caused an AI collision near the end. I eventually got it to work, but it WAS frustrating and I'm still not 100% sure what triggered it. - The locomotive seems sluggish and unresponsive for accelerating, taking ages to attain high speeds. This may be realistic, I have no idea, but I'd much rather drive a P42. As a side note, brakes are fine and very responsive. - As of 2/21/15 the "Veteran" achivement does not trigger with Danbury Express and therefore is unachievemable. - The engine sounds are not particularly good. The horn is attrocious. It's got an odd 'click' where the sound goes out when you first press it then starts again. - The inside of the cab has an odometer but it remains at 0. (What's the point of it if it's not going to work?. most locos don't have it). The fuel gauge registers a certain amount of fuel but does not change or work. - The traction meter is essentially copied from freight diesels and the bar will go up over 150,000 lbs of tractive effort starting out. Totally ridiculous. Would it have been too hard to just modify the texture with the numbers changing them to different values? Apparently so.. not likeing the max speed only getting to fifteen then the emergancy breacks applying how do i stop that. It's a great dlc! The horn is one of my favorites in the game and it actually comes with two horns. One for regular use and one for inside Grand Central Terminal. The suppressed horn or whatever it's called is located at the bottom of the cabview like a foot pedal or press C on the keyboard. The scenarios are great. The engine looks and performs well. $20.00 is very expensive so as always wait for a sale to buy it. You will not regret having this for the NY-NH route.. best game ever. While this is a very well done add-on and one of my first where I've operated a cabcar, I can't recommend this just yet due to the overspeed protection system constanstly stopping me even in areas where higher speeds are permitted.. I really enjoy running these cars on the New Haven route!!! I think its totally worth the $19.99 dollars!!!
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