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Toy Odyssey: The Lost And Found Torrent Download [serial Number]

Toy Odyssey: The Lost And Found Torrent Download [serial Number]

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About This Game

Toy Odyssey is a Metroidvania style action-platformer that takes you back to a world made from the nightmares of your childhood. Join Brand—an action figure that has come to life—in his fight against the darkness to save his owner, Felix. Nightmares are only the start of his troubles: Brand needs to uncover the secrets of the house before it's too late.

Key Features
•Unlimited replayability with procedural level generation
•Metroidvania style puzzles and missions
•Hard-as-nails gameplay as a dedication to the difficulty of classic games
•Beautifully detailed art, reminiscent of classic 8-bit and 16-bit platformers
•Over 30,000 lines of (skippable) dialog for those that want a good story
•Hundreds of weapon and item upgrades with a detailed crafting system
•More than 300 types of enemies, as well as seven terrifying bosses.
•Base Defense gameplay mechanics: Protect the bedroom at all costs! a09c17d780

Title: Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Release Date: 20 Sep, 2016

English,Simplified Chinese,Japanese

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Beautiful Random Open World Game.. Grind, grind grind i s the name of the game :)

First some positive
It have lots of potential, I like platforming, fighting for the most part, whole theme of toys in dark nightmare world, even crafting and building base for some extend and it is god damend addicting like mobile games :)
but, buuuuut there are couple things I don't like

First and for most is grinding, this is main thing you do
you need nuts to upgrade every part of armor of your character and this can have 80-100 levels of upgrades and every new level are of course more expensive, and another thing you don't know how many times you need to upgrade one part to get double jump, tipple jump, dash, glide etc. you just know you will get then when you upgrade legs, cape or other part.
You will need nuts and materials to craft weapons, you will need nuts and materials to build your base and fortifications, and you need strong fortification because dark toys will ride your base from time to time and take some of your materials and nuts.
There are 56 different materials and some of them are quite rare and hard to get, so you will need to look for them a lot, and grind and grind because not every time enemies will drop materials, there are only possibility of drop.
This make me feel like it is a mobile game with all that upgrades, building structures take time but you can upgrade workers to build faster etc. In the end you need huge quantity of resources to build, upgrade and craft, at one point I was even started looking for another mobile way of doing things - take your wallet and pay some money to progress faster or grind to you death :) I didn't found it so it is a positive thing :)

Next thing, like I already mention there are 56 different materials but at the beginning you have only 8 slots for them in your backpack and you can have up to 10 items on any kind in that slots, so from time to time you will need to choose what type of material you should take. but when you are on top of material on the ground and discard other material in your backpack in order to make a room for a new one, both of them will disappear :/
And enemies not always drops materials so you will have to look for specific enemies kill it and hope for the best, this can take quite a while for more rare materials.

To craft weapons and gadgets you will need nuts, materials and blueprints, but sometimes you will find blueprints for weapon level 3 but you will need to have weapon lvl 2 first to upgrade it but you can look for hours for that blueprint. I have a feeling that main quest block appearing of some levels item or make other more likely to show up. like when I had to craft iron sword and I couldn't find iron nail to do so whenever I found blueprint it most likely was iron sword, so I found like 10 blueprint for the same item, completely useless and waste of my time - again.

Levels - due it's random nature they are always different, but after a while this doesn't help much because all of them are build from the same parts over and over again, and sometimes are build in a bad ways. Some parts looks like was designed for smaller character, very little room to jump or move and doesn't feel right. It is quite often situation when you go from room to room you start standing on trap, falling platform or even enemies. Sometimes just bellow ceiling door there are chests and game have problem to detect one or another and this can be little tricky.
Challenges - again due it's random nature some are impossible to win other are just to easy, like when you will need to get to treasure chest without attacking and when you get to the room you are standing like two steps from that chest :) not really a challenge.
Another thing, there are holes in floor with void, if you fall you die, and sometimes there are items in foreground that obscure those holes and yes you fall into them and die most of the times. Bad design

Main quest and side quest are for the most parts the same - get this amount of this type of materials or kill this amount of this kings of enemies - not very creative. Other are rescue couple pawns or unique characters, kill boss, upgrade you gear or build soemthing and that is pretty much it. So basically you will have do the same thing you are doing from the beginning but when "quest" start it will start counting this materials or enemies.

Combat - some parts of it are great other not so much. Some weapons stiff and clunky, secondary weapons have different delay from when you push the button and you will shoot, throw and this make it quite a challenging to use while jumping, Another big negative thing is damage on contact, this feel cheep and bad especially when you so often step on enemy when go to new room or you can't stay in safe are when platforming and you have to touch enemy. Some flying enemies are quite hard to kill especially in the begging when your ranges attacks are useless, you can do double or triple jump and enemies are flying out or your reach, and if not you can jump on them hit once or twice and fall and get fall damage and probably touch damage as well.

And there are couple more things like this but I have enough for now, if you like grinding and repetitive tasks this is perfect for you for long hours if you like more content and purpose without wasting to much time them look somewhere else :). Toy Odyssey seems like a game that would be really good, and for short periods of time, it is. Unfortunately, it falls short (but just barely so) on nearly everything. I should also note that about 4-6 hours of gameplay were in offline mode.

+Interesting concept:<\/b> The toy designs are all really interesting and the main character is pretty cool. The room design is well thought out and the story seems really good thus far.
+Good sound effects:<\/b> I can't exactly say why I noticed this, but the sound effects felt really fitting, given that you are literally a toy. I thought it was amazing that the player "hears" from the perspective of an average-sized human being. Swords won't sound like swords, but like tiny toothpicks being swung. It's probably my favorite part of the game.
+Fun core gameplay:<\/b> Like all rogue-lites, the gameplay is compelling. There's always an urge to go a bit further, especially if there's the possibility of reward.

-Repetitive, even for a rogue-lite:<\/b> Unfortunately, after a few runs through the house, I began to dread trekking through the first few rooms to get to a new area. Sure, the rat holes offer fast travel, but on some runs they barely appear, or appear in mostly useless places.
-Little to no rewards:<\/b> The first time I came across a chest and was greeted with a spinning card, I was excited to recieve a new weapon, as I was doing paltry damage to the other toys. Instead I was given a blueprint<\/i> for a silver sword. I planned to craft it as soon as possible, but was told by the game that I needed to craft every sword before<\/i> the silver sword before I could make my prized posession. I didn't have a single one of the blueprints for the previous weapons, and I still haven't obtained one, despite getting the blueprint very early in my gameplay.
-Glitchy Spawns:<\/b> Normally I wouldn't point this out in its own flaw section, but since it makes up the majority of my deaths, I believe it needs to be addressed. Sometimes I entered a room (usually from below) only to spawn on top of a group of enemies, taking massive damage and getting knocked away from the door. It feels like there is a "anti-spawn radius" next to doors that enter from the side, but some enemies get projectiles or attacks that trigger so fast it seems like it needs to be bigger.
-Strange VA. sound balance issues, and poorly translated text:<\/b> The voice acting for the game is a bit strange. Some characters sound fine, and the base audio quality really shows in these characters, but others, like Brand, sound like they're reading the lines with a gun to their head, as fast as possible. The sound balance is also an issue, as sound effects (like in the baby room for example) are much louder than music and dialogue. This may be a problem with my sound system (as I've noticed it in a few other modern games), so don't take that point as absolute fact. The text, however, is poorly translated in some areas. It isn't a huge problem, and is still readable by all means, which is why I included it with two other minor points, but it is very noticeable.

Overall I wanted to like Toy Odyssey, but it pushed me away with a lot of tiny punches. It was at the top of my wishlist for months, so I was very disappointed to see it fall flat. There is a good chance I will play it more, and will change my review to reflect any changes in my opinion, but for now, I think it would be best to pass on this one.. great game for a cheap price, after dying a few times you will know how to survive the night :#. Nice indie game. I love it <3. I think the real sore point I have with this game is that I think it is trying to do too much at once. It's trying to add crafting, RPG elements, rogue-like style gameplay, questlines, upgrades... and it's just too much to take in. Especially at the start.

Considering other Rogue-like games, most start you off with very little explanation of how to play. That can be difficult, but it means there is less "information overload". Here, the game makes, what I think is, a bit of a mess by trying to tell you too much at once, with tooltip prompts flying all over the UI, and that makes it hard to learn what anything actually does.

Once you actually get down to it, the gameplay itself, the music, and the graphics - I dont find to be anything worth writing home about.

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