Title: Tooth and Tail - Official Soundtrack
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie, Strategy
Pocketwatch Games
Release Date: 7 Sep, 2017
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Not sure I cared for the gameplay of Tooth and Tail unfortunately, but the music for this game is spectacular. It added a lot to the atmosphere of the game, but it works independently of the game too. I still find myself randomly humming tunes from this OST, months after I stopped playing Tooth and Tail. You can find it for free on YouTube or Spotify, but I would still recommend buying this, if only to throw a few well-deserved bucks the composers' way.. Not sure I cared for the gameplay of Tooth and Tail unfortunately, but the music for this game is spectacular. It added a lot to the atmosphere of the game, but it works independently of the game too. I still find myself randomly humming tunes from this OST, months after I stopped playing Tooth and Tail. You can find it for free on YouTube or Spotify, but I would still recommend buying this, if only to throw a few well-deserved bucks the composers' way.
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