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Titanis Download Tn Hindi

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About This Game

Titanis is a 2D Action RPG set in a desert wasteland of the far future. The story follows the mercenary team Bash and Slash as they try to scratch out a living through whatever means necessary. Along the way they make new allies as well as bump into old enemies.

Customize Your Character

Titanis is all about customizing your skills. Mix and match different skills, upgrades, and strategies to inflict the maximum amount of destruction on your enemies

Defeat Your Enemies

Explore the different zones in the game, from a scorching desert, to dimly lit underground caverns. Every area has new monsters, each more deadly than the last.

Create Your Own Adventure

Included with Titanis is the full level editor and scripting engine that we used to make the game. Show off your creative side by creating your own levels, enemies, and events! b4d347fde0

Title: Titanis
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG
Silver Goblet Games
Silver Goblet Games
Release Date: 8 Jun, 2015


  • OS: Windows Vista/7/8
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz
  • Memory: 1536 MB RAM
  • Graphics: OpenGL 2.0
  • Storage: 250 MB available space


Great game doods. Buy it for fun 2D shooting action. The control doesn't feel good at all and the animations make the game feel anemic. Take this with a grain of salt as I played for a few minutes, but I can't force myself to continue.
. First off Buy it its 5 bucks. Simple mechanics which makes it fun. Its alot like capsized but i'd say its better. So conclusion is its fun but short. Its worth a buy. It was a fun little time waster. Nothing deep but decent mechanics and a couple hours of fun. Seems a little flat in the sound department, but I wasn't expecting much for 5$. You'll most likely beat it in an afternoon, but it' ll be worth it. Probably.. Look dev\/s, I know it is not fun to work on something and then have someone come along and bash it. But being honest here, there are much better games available than yours for free. The whole time I was playing your game I was thinking to myself, "I could be playing Plazma Burst 2 and it would be more fun than this. So many elements felt like they were thrown in to hit the checkboxes of being a platformer rather than to make the game more fun.
Pros- It references the best Star Wars movies lightly with the acheivements

Neutral- The graphics are a bit dated but I see them fitting with this as a Flash game.

Cons- Story is awful, the intown NPCs dialogue never changes, and there is no feeling that I am making things better for these people. A few little things thrown into the background of the town after completing a mission would have helped here.
The enemy AI is weak and the enemies more annoying than fun to take out. Either go for adding a bunch and let me try to curbstomp them, or make them more powerful and give me cover and much better movement and better weapons. Please.
The movement needs to be more polished, it is annoying the number of times that I got stuck on the edge of a ledge and was unable to jump up. Also double jump is too weak to largely help in combat and felt like it was added to hit a checkbox.
Firerate is too slow, weapons largely aren't upgradeable, and it makes about as much sense for me to be unable to launch a drone or fire a laser when my primary weapon is in cooldown as it does to say that I can't scratch my butt while brushing my teeth.

In all I would say that this game in the state it is currently in should be something that is released for free in order to receive feedback.
To the dev I will list some of the free games I have played that this game made me think of in terms of platforming run-and-gun elements as to how it could have been better.
Diamond Hollow 2
Plazma Burst 2
. A $5.00 dollar game that will get you about 5 hours of gameplay.

Titanis is a side scrolling, 2D action RPG, where your character progresses from left to right, blasting enemies and collecting gold, throughout a variety of missions. Each mission has a side objective (find an item, kill an enemy) and a main objective, which usually entails getting to the end of the stage and fighting a gauntlet of enemies, or clearing out a series of large enemies through the level.

The art style is nice, and colorful; very easy on the eyes. The music is fine, and suits the game.

The meat of the game comes from the customization. You can acquire 16 diffferent skills but can only have a loadout of four at one time. Each one is unique, whether it offers damage, protection, or causes status effects on enemies. As you collect gold, you can buy upgrades to your health, damage, and more.

Even spending a little less then an hour farming gold to finish all the upgrades it didn't take me too long to get through this. All the achievements are easy, save the two for defeating bosses with no damage. There is also a hidden achievement, but I'm not sure what it entails.

This game is recommended. There are worse things to spend your money on.. Just the kind of game I was looking for. Casual platforming shooter with upgrades.

Wish it was a bit faster paced (faster player movement and projectile movement, and faster weapon cooldown!), and I wish you could crouch to dodge projectile attacks.

+rebindable controls
+level editor
+upgradable weapons
+unlock new weapons\/"skills" (example: boomerang, rocket, laser, grenades)

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