Title: Through The Dark: Prologue
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Strategy
Release Date: 7 May, 2017
Great game, especially enjoyed the reloading mechanic and the fact that you can throw enemies' grenades back at them. However, I completed it in 22 minutes, which would be okay for a free demo, but not for a full game (or episode, in this case). There is no mention on the store page whether the next episodes are included in the price or not. If the price was a tenth of what it is I would have kept it. Asked for a refund, but It'll stay on my wishlist and I'll re-purchase it when and if all episodes are released and a bundle is on offer.. Great game, especially enjoyed the reloading mechanic and the fact that you can throw enemies' grenades back at them. However, I completed it in 22 minutes, which would be okay for a free demo, but not for a full game (or episode, in this case). There is no mention on the store page whether the next episodes are included in the price or not. If the price was a tenth of what it is I would have kept it. Asked for a refund, but It'll stay on my wishlist and I'll re-purchase it when and if all episodes are released and a bundle is on offer.. I Played Though the Whole game And Is One Of The Best vr Games i have Ever Played. I Played Though the Whole game And Is One Of The Best vr Games i have Ever Played
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