Title: Through Abandoned: The Refuge
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Igor Krutov
Kiss Publishing Ltd
Through Abandoned
Release Date: 25 Mar, 2019
English,French,Italian,German,Arabic,Danish,Dutch,Finnish,Greek,Japanese,Korean,Norwegian,Portuguese,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Swedish,Thai,Traditional Chinese,Turkish,Ukrainian,Vietnamese
through abandoned the refuge solution. through abandoned the refuge steam. through abandoned 3 the refuge. through abandoned the refuge. through abandoned the refuge nl. through abandoned the refuge walkthrough. through abandoned 3 - the refuge nl. through abandoned the refuge game. through abandoned the refuge. through abandoned 3 the refuge walkthrough. through abandoned the refuge secrets. soluce through abandoned the refuge
This game is okay. There's one big disadvantage though: the game won't save. I found out when I logged in the second time after 83 min. of play. No refund.. The game has become atmospheric. The graphics have improved in comparison with the previous series.. Great adventure game! 10 crowbars out of 10!. Nice small adventure with a lot of closed doors which you need to unlock.
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