Title: The Slopes
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Racing
Peter Labick, Connor Laux
GreenHopper Development
Release Date: 19 May, 2017
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Is this game worth .89 cents? Tough call for me personally. I'm going to say yes, but just barely. It's really just an endless runner with an end. In other words, it's just one track. It's a pretty decently sized track. There's several obstacles along the way. You move your head to move side to side (which may be a deal breaker for some and I did not enjoy this control scheme and it will cause neck strain if you play more than a few times). You crouch. You move motion controllers to pick up speed. That's pretty much it. No tricks, no jumps, no winding paths. Obligatory pick up coins along the way included. Rating 4.9455555/10 Yeah, get on sale and only if you want another endless runner, but with a skiing twist.
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