
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

The simplest way to make money fast in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Most of the content of Animal Crossing: New Horizons is devoted to making money. You sell the insects and fish you catch, enrich your island with more expensive fruits, and profit by trading materials and furniture. That's all of this, so you can beautify your island, develop towns and expand housing.

Unlike past games, New Horizons has two currencies: the bell that's been part of Animal Crossing because of the GameCube days, plus the new secondary form Nook Miles.

You may be guided from the beginning of the game, so earning Nook Miles is simple. With Nook Miles, you can put special orders over the kiosk, not only for furniture and items: also you can unlock various game mechanics like this.

Animal Crossing Bells still play a vital role, especially when you need to repay your mortgage. You store the rest of the Bells in an ATM to buy clothing, build infrastructure, etc. If you want the cheapest bells, you can Buy ACNH Bells at ACBellsBuy. .

Sell the hot item with the day
Nook’s Cranny is the initial shop to look at on your island. Here you can sell various items for the shopkeepers Tommy and Tommy. Every day, a rotating hot item is listed away from the store. No matter what is listed there, it may be sold at twice its normal selling price, very first an easy way to generate income quickly. Players can Buy ACNH Items on acbellsbuy.com anytime. The new production capabilities of New Horizons can also be helpful: if you gather the necessary materials and educate yourself on the DIY recipe, you need to be able to construct popular items for the workbench.

So far, one of the most profitable hot items I saw in rotation thus far was the gong. When the gong doubled, each gong earned me 10,000 bells. If hot items require these materials to be constructed, then keeping a share of common items including wood, iron, and weeds from the storage vault on the house can assist.

查看次数: 14


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