
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

The Man Who Couldn't Forget Full Movie In Hindi 720p Download

The Man Who Couldn't Forget Full Movie In Hindi 720p Download ->->->-> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: The Man Who Couldn't Forget

Genge: Action,Crime,Mystery,Drama















































Cannon finds himself between Nazi hunters and their quarry, and he finds they don't want justice, they want revenge.
"The Man Who Couldn't Forget" is a pretty bad episode...no doubt about that. In fact, it's so bad that I recommend you just skip it and go on to the next episode!!

A guy named Van Damme is shot at but, oddly, doesn't want the police to be involved at all. Well, a friend of his is worried and goes to Cannon and asks him to investigate. It turns out that Van Damme is a Simon Wiesenthal sort of man--a Nazi hunter who is currently looking for Erich Strasser (Leslie Nielsen). As for Strasser, he is a rich toy manufacturer and all around nice guy (apart from being a Nazi war criminal, of course). But it gets worse....much worse. Strasser's girlfriend (Joan Van Ark) is working for Van Damme and is a Nazi hunter...but instead of turning him in, she can't because she's fallen in love with him and forgives him for all his past 'mistakes'....what the heck?!?! What's next? Who cares!

This is a show that really is insulting to the memory of the victims of the Third Reich. Plus, Leslie Nielsen seemslikely to portray a hidden NaziNipsy Russell!! He has no accent and is all charm...and utterly ridiculous.

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