Title: The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame
Genre: Adventure
TT Games, Feral interactive (Mac)
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Feral interactive (Mac)
Release Date: 26 Feb, 2019
English,French,Italian,German,Arabic,Danish,Dutch,Korean,Polish,Russian,Traditional Chinese
Ordinarily I would spend more time playing a game before writing a review, but I couldn't even make it past the two hour mark.
This game is overly-complicated, poorly-designed, poorly-voiced and tediously BORING.
I've completed and enjoyed almost every single movie-based Lego game released but unfortunately, this is NOT a movie-based Lego game.
At least, not one that TT has typically produced. This is as much a Lego game as 'Disaster Movie' is a comedy. Sure, "Lego" is in the title and the game mechanics including bricks, but gone is everything that would appeal to any fans of the series.
I'm AMAZED there aren't more negative reviews of this game.
I will not be purchasing the next Lego game until enough reviews have confirmed the developers returned to what makes these games fun.. Like the last several lego games the default keyboard controls are garbage, but unlike those previous games you can't reconfigure them to something decent. There is no reason for this simple functionality to be omitted. I should not be forced to use a controller to play this game, and I refuse to. (Controllers suck, seriously.)
Wake me up when they fix this glaring functionality omission. Until then this piece of trash is unplayable.
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