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The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel Key Serial

The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel Key Serial

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About This Game

Among the nations on the Zemurian continent, the mighty Erebonian Empire has been quick to outwardly stake its claim militarily; yet politically, ugly bouts of internal 5d3b920ae0

Title: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
Genre: RPG
Nihon Falcom
XSEED Games, Marvelous USA, Inc.
Trails in the Sky
Release Date:


  • OS: Windows 7 or later
  • Processor: Intel Atom x7-Z8700 2.4 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • /p>


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Even though this originally came out on PS3 in 2013 in Japan, this is one of the best JRPGs I have ever played. The storyline is excellent, the characters are memorable, the battle system is amazing, and the soundtrack is so good, you should listen to it on Spotify (just search Spotify for "Sen no Kiseki Original Soundtrack" and enjoy the series' awesome music. Nihon Falcom puts their music on Spotify and made it royalty-free). The PC port is top notch, as it runs very reliably on a lot of PC hardware I own. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who has played JRPGs, and those who are new to the genre.. JUST LET ME ORDER MY BEDSHEET AND PILLOWCASE LAURA WAIFU PLEASE 10/10 WOULD ACKNOWLEDGE AGAIN. If you have played Trails in the Sky trilogy, then you know the type of game this will be. The series prides itself on taking it's time with the storytelling, character development, relationships and throws good battle system/music to wrap the package. It doesn't lose any of these in the transition to 3D perspective and much more voice acting than Sky had. While it certainly helps and is recommended to have played Sky beforehand, it isn't absolutely necessary. It goes without saying though that the references and characters from the previous trilogy are a nice treat for fans of it. The only people I wouldn't recommend it to is those with a short attention span or disdain for reading.. I happened to come across this game by random chance, and I have to say it is one of the best RPG games I have ever played. The story might not be a crazy over the top save the world kind of deal, its slow in places and then it throws you into the deep end.I like this method because you bond and get to know the characters more this way it feels more personal. The characters are unique and funny in places (Sara is amazing) and you have just the right amount of side quests, not too many that you get lost along the way, and not too few that is just doesn't seem worth it. My only real faults would be that the battle system does get a little bit repetitive after awhile and that in certain places the difficulty spike can be awful. But both those things can easily be over looked, if you haven't played this yet I would highly recommend it.. Great music, world-building and characters. Battle is easy even if you play the hardest difficulty on a new game. Pace is a bit slow, this game basically is just an introduction to main cast. The real stuffs start at the middle of Cold Steel II. Still sad that Cold Steel III is PS4 exclusive. I hope Cold Steel III will be ported to Steam later. Also Millium is objectively best girl and Jusis - Millium is best pair. Don't me.. The game Series is way to Underrated , its a very good JRPG , with very Mature Plot and gread Soundtrack , i would recommend this game anytime. Awful start and first impressions, bounced off this game a few times before finally sitting down to play it. Once it gets going though it becomes clear that you are playing one of the best jrpgs ever made. It is VERY "anime" though especially towards the end. Pros Characters in general are all detailed and well developed. Jusis and Laura especially. Better world building than any jrpg I have played in the 20 years since I played my first one (Phantasy star II) Only games that even come close would be the Suikoden series. Exceptionally well paced. Nothing out stays its welcome, dungeons are just the right length, story is told in bite sized chunks so as not to overwhelm, mini games are scattered throughout enough to not become obnoxious. Time saving measure to skip the tedium, CTRL for turbo mode, Space Bar skips lengthy attack animations, TAB is fast travel. Large cast of playable characters gives you lots of variation in what party you will be using. can switch people in and out during battle. Cons Production value is not even close to AAA, it does enough but cutscenes can be more than a little jank at times. Not fully voice acted. such a shame because the english voice cast do an excellent job. You will need a guide to avoid endless hours of talking to every npc every 5 mins if you don't want to miss out on a lot of content. Rearranging quartz is a nightmare that only gets exponentially worse as the game goes on. They use the "dead parents/family member - tragic backstory" trope at least 8 times throughout this game. very lazy writing in comparison to how good everything else is. The worse one of all though is the absolute pain and horror of watching Rean completely fail to date Laura despite her obvious interest and how well they suit each other.. its Persona 5. This is a fantastic game. Once I started playing, it was impossible to stop - I was putting in 4-6 hours a day. The story is very well done and I enjoyed the combat a lot. My only critique is that there are a few boring parts and dialogue can be cringy at times.. A very enjoyable game with great plot. Lots of detail, pretty good acting. A great game for people who enjoy seeing growing relationships between friends coupled with the growing threats behind the scenes.

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