Title: The last Baron's stunt (Anime)
Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation
SharF Co.
SharF Co.
Release Date: 23 Mar, 2018
Absolutely dreadful. I had little expectations for its price point, but it's still disappointing. The resolution of the graphics, although in itself low res pixel art, doesn't scale. Which means you can't play this game in a window below 1024x768, and even at that resolution a lot of the screen is cropped so you don't know what's coming.
The achievements make no sense. I believe you get them randomly, or just for opening the game.
I have been unable to finish level 2. When I reach the house, the game resets to the main menu.
The controls aren't great. For some reason, you can only rotate in 22.5 degree angles. And you can't keep your rotate button pressed, you have to keep pressing it in order to keep rotating. It's the same for the speed.
The graphics look like they've been put together from several different sources, and used at different resolutions. It can also be hard to tell what's part of the background and what you can crash into.
This game is unfinished, broken and poorly designed. Getting a refund at this price point seems unnecessary, but I'm getting one out of pure principle.. Absolutely dreadful. I had little expectations for its price point, but it's still disappointing. The resolution of the graphics, although in itself low res pixel art, doesn't scale. Which means you can't play this game in a window below 1024x768, and even at that resolution a lot of the screen is cropped so you don't know what's coming.
The achievements make no sense. I believe you get them randomly, or just for opening the game.
I have been unable to finish level 2. When I reach the house, the game resets to the main menu.
The controls aren't great. For some reason, you can only rotate in 22.5 degree angles. And you can't keep your rotate button pressed, you have to keep pressing it in order to keep rotating. It's the same for the speed.
The graphics look like they've been put together from several different sources, and used at different resolutions. It can also be hard to tell what's part of the background and what you can crash into.
This game is unfinished, broken and poorly designed. Getting a refund at this price point seems unnecessary, but I'm getting one out of pure principle.
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