Title: The Chills
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie
Anamik Majumdar
Anamik Majumdar
Release Date: 22 Feb, 2019
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Well, this is awful. Even if you will get it for free, nothing will compensate the 10 minutes of your life that was spent in vain. Where should I start? The art-style is not the main problem of "The Chills" - it would be even fun if someone will make a fun trashy horror game with such graphics, using sound and level design as a tool to create an absurdist atmosphere. This is not the case. This is a walking simulator that consist of one small map that is duplicated five times, with a couple of "narrow corridor" maps added. Five same maps are five "floors" of the hotel, the only real thing that changes is the doors (that can be opened or closed). You have to get from the fifth floor to the bottom of the building using the elevator, stopping at the every floor, running in circles around the same maps to see where you need to go now and continously facepalming on every cringy jumpscare that this "game" throws on you. See one of the jumpscares in a trailer - the in-game versions are equally cringeworthy. Our hero can't attack or even run faster. Almost all the "enemies" we encounter are nothing more than cheap screamers that can't harm out avatar - there is no healthbar at all! At the same time, there is a place in the game where you have to "Run left!" from the same enemy that never hurts you in other parts of the hotel - meeting him is an instant "game over" that makes you start everything from the beginning. The same story with the last part of the game - technically you can finish "The Chills" less then in 10 minutes, but if you'll make a mistake in that last running part where everything tries to kill you, you have to start from the beginning: no savepoints anywhere! I'm surprised that the author of "The Chills" is trying to sell THIS for a real money. Even 0.01$ is too much for a program that was made in "GameMaker: Studio" engine without any real effort. Refund.
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