Title: The Best Of MagiCats
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Dreamz Studio
Dreamz Studio
Release Date: 22 Mar, 2018
English,French,Russian,Simplified Chinese
the best of magicats free. the best of magicats. the best of magicats free. the best of magicats. the best of magicats steam. the best of magicats steam
A very good surprise for me! The art is really beautiful and cute, and the levels are all very different and interesting! There are challenging platformer levels, fights, traps, enigmas.. I am shocked with the end!!! Didnu2019t imagine this!. I don't know who the targeted audience of this game is but my guess is teenage furries? The game isn't easy enough for little kids but it's not that difficult either. This is the type of game I would've played during recess back in middle school but then again I wouldn't have because you play as a cat fighting rats and ravens? It's like a platformer for 10-18 year olds but with grapicsdesign for 4-10 year olds.. Nice platformer its really cute and colorful! but cute doesnt mean easy here the game is challenging and the levels are quite original (they are made by players).. 2/10 Repetitive. Crazy Dreamz : Best Of, un jeu conu partir des 100 meilleurs niveaux crs par la communaut dans le prcdent jeu gratuit Crazy Dreamz : MagiCats Edition. Le concept de base memballe, encore plus quand on sait que cette dite communaut qui a cr les 100 niveaux va recevoir la moiti des revenus gnrs par le jeu !! Bravo pour cette initiative, cest assez rare pour tre soulign, surtout que lon parle ici dun studio indpendant. Au-del de a, chapeau aux artistes qui nous livrent de trs beaux graphismes, cest du dessin la main et a fonctionne super bien. Lhistoire casse pas 3 pattes un canard mais elle suffit largement pour avoir un fil conducteur travers tous les niveaux trs varis (les joueurs ont eu beaucoup dimagination). Ca passe de niveaux marrants, des plus narratifs, des plus sournois remplis de piges etc, on sennuie pas ! Je vous le conseille, a change des jeux de plateforme habituels, et de mon ct japprcie de pouvoir soutenir non seulement le studio mais aussi les joueurs crateurs de niveaux.. Really good surprise, I saw a video on Youtube while when I was looking for original platformers and wanted to try the free game (Crazy Dreamz : Magicats Edition) and I have to say I didnt expect to have that much fun ! So I decided to get the Best of edition and it was a good decision, Im really enjoying it. Tons of different levels you never get bored.
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