Title: The Away Team: Lost Exodus
Genre: Adventure, Indie, Simulation
Underflow Studios
Release Date: 22 Jul, 2016
the away team lost exodus
An interactive novel where choices actually matter as more than just flavor text. It's great, and gets semi-regular updates with QoL changes, new graphics, workshop support (was not intended originally), changes to existing missions, and even occasionally new missions. It's worth playing through multiple times to pick different characters for your crew and to use different characters on missions, as some will have unique choices\/dialogue in certain spots.
Devs are active in replying to discussion topics even though they're busy with other things, one of them was even hired at InXile but still works on this game. Most games would've been declared finished by now and be left as-is but almost 3 years later this is still getting updates.. An interactive novel where choices actually matter as more than just flavor text. It's great, and gets semi-regular updates with QoL changes, new graphics, workshop support (was not intended originally), changes to existing missions, and even occasionally new missions. It's worth playing through multiple times to pick different characters for your crew and to use different characters on missions, as some will have unique choices\/dialogue in certain spots.
Devs are active in replying to discussion topics even though they're busy with other things, one of them was even hired at InXile but still works on this game. Most games would've been declared finished by now and be left as-is but almost 3 years later this is still getting updates.
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