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The Assassin Next Door Song Free Download ->->->-> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: The Assassin Next Door

Genge: Action,Drama,Thriller




































In an old apartment building on the wrong side of the tracks, two women, unknown to each other, live across the hall on the second floor. Galia is an assassin involved against her will with the local sex-traffic mafia. All she wants is to reunite with her little daughter that she left back home in Ukraine. Eleanor is a grocery store cashier and a battered wife. She dreams of winning the lottery and running away from her abusive husband. Galia and Eleanor don't know each other, but as neighbors they share two things: an adjoining wall and a strong need to plan their escape. As Galia disobeys her latest contract, a woman target, and Eleanor discovers that she's pregnant, the two women decide to take action against their oppressors in a fight for survival and freedom.
A woman forced to work for the Russian Mafia as an assassin agrees to help her next-door neighbor kill her abusive husband.
The action is pretty decent and it stays true to it's origins (language wise, you will hear a few languages spoken throughout the entire movie). It has a strong leading performance by Olga K. (also known for her role in the most recent Bond movie, not that much for her Hit-man turn-up). Apart from that you have good to decent acting throughout, but a few scenes fall short of the premise.

This is a very sensible theme and the director did a decent job in portraying that. Still there are quite a few flaws (like length and dialogue choices, clichés) that might hinder you from rating this movie higher. Than again, I just read a 10/10 review and the user sounded pretty convincing. So it's up to you, if you see more than I did or agree with me While nobody in their right mind would claim that THE ASSASSIN NEXT DOOR is as entertaining as EITHER the ground-breaking poster girl for the National Rifle Association found in LA FEMME NIKITA or the classic distaff buddy flick THELMA & LOUISE, it still stands as a better than average effort. Whereas NIKITA undergoes extensive training to make her assassin forays somewhat plausible, the bad guys in ASSASSIN simply give a random hooker a gun and tell her to start blowing guys away. Whereas THELMA & LOUISE feminize the ending of BUTCH CASSIDY AND AND SUNDANCE KID--which can be summed up as "together to the end"--ASSASSIN lets the girl buddies go their own ways, as short as the way forward may be for one of them. Though the final shootout on the bus stretches credibility, so does the ending of THE GAUNTLET and countless other American hits. The one real downer about ASSASSIN is that it seems the hitwoman's little girl--Lena--gets left in the hands of one mean dad (or guardian). Throughout this film, shot in a hot climate, the cast seems well-hydrated, which means credited "water girl" Prague Benbenisty deserves a shout out.

Kirot is a action drama thriller starring Olga Kurylenko as Galia, a Ukrainian woman forced to work for the Russian mafia as an assassin and a prosistute, whom moves nextdoor to a supermarket employee and abused wife Elinor, whom wants to run away from her husband and hires Galia to teach her to use a gun, so she can kill her husband and Galia and Elinor set out to plan their escape, as Galia wants to escape from the Russian Mafia and reunite with her daughter and are soon pursued by the mafia, resulting in a deadly shootout.
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