Title: Terrible Beast from the East
Genre: Action, Adventure, Massively Multiplayer, RPG
Sleeping Hero
Release Date: 3 Jan, 2019
English,Traditional Chinese
terrible beast from the east trainer. terrible beast from the east steam. the terrible beast from the east
Gameplay nostalgic, looks like Dungeons & Dragons Capcom arcade. It's cheap, there's no reason not to buy.. Loved the game, its an amazing side scroller with familiar mechanics from others rpgs.
Lacks content and still buggy but honestly, worth the price.. Currently, there is a game-breaking bug that does not refund all skill points upon forced skill reset when re-entering a game. This comes from the skill reset not taking into account nodes that cost more than 1 skill point. Only 1 skill point is refunded per node, regardless of the cost of the node. So a node costing 3 skill points, will only be refunded as 1 skill point at the start of each game. The game resets your skills at every login, so you have no choice but to suffer the skill point loss.
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