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TeraBlaster Hacked

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About This Game

Take control of a rogue ship and and wage war against endless 5d3b920ae0

Title: TeraBlaster
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie
Black Shell Games
Release Date: 10 Jul, 2015


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Im a blue circular ship with one canon. I get Speed+ barrier+ and Bombs. The enemies are circular ships like me, some big, some fast, some slow, some have shields. We are on one grid map with destructable boxes, red explode, grey break and give items, purple just sit there. Time alive to the top left, kill score to the right. Ratt tattat tattt 360 controller vibration set to max. Hands numb, knuckles white. 200 kills. 300 kills. 5 minutes alive. 350. bombs gone, barriers down. Techno beats sound track. in the zone. dead.. This game is an unknown gem. TeraBlaster is that sort of game that you don't want to buy at first sigh because. Reasons ? But when you get finally your hands on it, you wish you played this game before ! In this game, you play a little ship and try to survive as long as you can, facing dangerous and fast ships that will try to take you down. By trying to avoid them, you will find some power up that will help you survive through the game. The music of this game is eargasmic (quite repetitive, but, whatever.), the gameplay is easy and really cool with a controller. When you got into that game, you just can't stop playing, tryin' to get the best time and the best score, the game design makes you feel immortal and extremely powerfull, but I promise you're not, and this is why the game is so frustating and amazing at the same time. It's really hard to explain. The best advice I can offer you is to try it yourself, it's low priced and very cool for a long time.. I cannot recommend this game. While the soundtrack is decent, There's really only one thing to do, the "Random Level" is honestly a bunch of boxes randomly distributed, the challenge comes from enemy's bumrushing you from off screen at faster speeds than reactable and there are NO roguelike elements to be had. I honestly think I've seen all there is to see in my few runs. A disappointment compared to the quality of past games from this developer.. Great game, addicting and fun, but a bit pricy for three dollars.. Awesome fast paced retro gameplay that is simple and amazing! More than worth 3.00 USD. Pros: Pretty neat aesthetic Action is fast and frantic Easy to tell apart enemies and dangerous things apart from background [a lot of stuff doesn't get that right] Bombs also seem to work as shields, neat concept It's functional and stable, never crashed, I never took a hit I didn't think was legit, and I didn't see any noticible bugs. Cons: Once you destroy the boxes in 10 seconds the level is basically just the square it always is in these quickie twin stick shooters, and on top of that the enemies just go through most of the boxes. The gun sound is really annoying, along with the constant screen shake and controller vibration Enemies start rushing you down from off screen by the minute mark, needs a much wider field of view. The song in the trailer is not the one in the game, one in game isn't bad, but it isn't dubstep and isn't as good. No noticibly different enemies, they are all suicidal circles of varying size and health Red boxes explosion managed to kill me from offscreen several times Neat game, but needs more work, mostly in the variety department. You can't have a 3 minute twin stick without at least a few more enemies, weapons, or level design. I generally use "I made a game with zombies in it" as my bar of entry at this price and this game doesn't match it.

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