Title: Super Lumi Live
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Gemi Games
Release Date: 5 Sep, 2017
super lumi live
the movement in this game feels really precise which is what I enjoy most about it, you must time your jumps to the millisecond and land them on the nanometer in some cases. The neon artstyle makes it easy to see and and recognize where platforms are in the milliseconds of time you need when speedrunning.. Fantastic. The level design is good enough that they wouldn't feel out of place in a Mario game. Difficult, but fair. If you like hard platformers this is for you.. A gorgeous well made retro platformer that's both fun and frustrating, just like it should be! It's beutifully simply to play yet challenging right from the off.. Great controls, excellent variety, interesting levels, what's not to love? This game is very difficult though - play on assist mode unless you are very well versed in difficult platformers such as IWBTG fangames. Controls are simple, but very precise. Each level feels different from each other and brings something new to the game, which is something I wish were more common in games in general. **Edit** As of the last update, the game has been reworked to remove the difficulty spikes without needing to have an "assist" mode. It is now an A+ speedrunning experience.. Really well made and very polished platformer, with plenty of content and challenge. The graphics are simple but nicely done, and the game flows well. Overall, I feel this game deserves more attention - give it a shot if you enjoy challenging platformers.
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