
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Stop Consuming These 2 Foods For a Healthier Lifestyle

It is quite difficult to lose weight and maintain a healthy Science Based Turmeric Review lifestyle with the many temptations that we face every day. Whether listening to the radio, reading a magazine or watching TV we are constantly bombarded by advertisements for fast food, sweets, cakes and alcohol. Sometimes, the only way you can escape this is to lock yourself away in a room. Although, that would be an extreme and unpractical measure there are ways that you can maintain a healthier lifestyle.The best place to start is with your diet. There are certain foods that are good for us especially if we eat them regularly. Below I have outlined 2 types of foods that you should either cut or reduce from your diet.

It is hard to miss these types of food as they are basically everywhere. Fatty foods include red meat, fast food, and dairy produce. The way you cook can also increase the levels of fat such as fried food. Over time the saturated (bad) contained in these foods will begin to clog our arteries and increase our body fat. This type of food will also interfere with the bodies absorption of nutrients such as calcium. Too much fatty food affects the functions and processes of the major organs in the body that can lead to kidney and liver problems. The long term consumption of foods high in saturated fats can lead to conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Also, a diet that is high in saturated fats can be linked to the on set of heart disease which is one of the biggest killers in the western world.

Diary products are a common food type used as part of the western diet. Most dairy products are derived from cows milk. Cows milk is very high in fat and it contains a protein called casein that the human body finds difficult to digest effectively. There are many people, especially in Asia who do not have the enzyme lactase in their bodies. This enzyme is needed to break down and digest the milk lactose. The effects of not being able to breakdown lactose are a feeling of bloating, constipation and in some cases diarrhoea. Diary produce and in particular cows milk has been linked as a contributing factor that triggers allergic reactions that include asthma, skin rashes, a stuffed and runny nose as well as feelings of tiredness.

If you consume a lot of dairy produce like milk there are other alternatives you can choose from. These include goats milk which is easier for the body to digest. Other alternatives include no dairy produce such as soya or rice milk.  

For those who are concerned that there is not enough intake of any nutrient, including protein, there is always the chance to use supplements, which can be a beneficial and easy way to make sure that the body is getting everything that it needs to maintain its proper health and activity level. Protein supplements include liquid protein shots, protein shakes and powders and snacks, like protein puddings and protein bars. For those who are following a strict vegan diet, the choice in these supplements might be limited, while the ovo-lacto vegetarian can use products made from whey or soy. (If the ingredient label includes collagen, it is not fitting for a vegetarian diet because it is derived from the connective tissue of animals. Caseinate is an ingredient derived from milk or cheese, as is whey).


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