Title: Steel Empire
Genre: Action
Release Date: 13 Sep, 2018
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-=The Good=-
Nice-sounding battle music
Upgraded visuals over Genesis version
Good control and hit detection
An extra sub-boss near the end
Detailed spritework
Cool Steampunk setting
Extra parallax scrolling added to some backgrounds
-=The Bad=-
Noticeable artifacts in movies
Lots of typos
Odd mix of sprites and non-sprite effects
Strange sprite outline issues
Some stuttering at times
-=The Details=-
Steel Empire was a game originally released on the SEGA Genesis back in 1992, when the influx of shmups for the system was dying down. It made a name for itself by being a well made game with a Steampunk setting that differed from a lot of the other shmups coming out at the time, along with a somewhat movie-like presentation. In time, the game was ported to the GameBoy Advance in 2004 and the DS in 2014. And this game is more or less a port of the DS version.
The visuals in the game are rather nice. When compared to the original Genesis version, you can see extra color was added to give the sprites and background more detail and shading. None of the design details were lost though, so the Steampunk vibe still comes through well with all of the extra colors added. From the little tanks and balloon-powered popcorn enemies, to the big armored train and massive zeppelin air fortress, they all look rather good. There are little animation touches on these ships as well. Spinning propellers, rotating guns and such, all giving the sprites a bit of life as they move about and try to kill you. You'll also see extra touches like glows around lights in dark areas, and how your shots cast light over the sprites where you hit them (somewhat similar to what zdoom does to the original Doom sprites). The diverse and impressive backgrounds of the original game are here as well, with updated details and parallax scrolling that, at times, conveys a crazy amount of depth. Whether you're flying above the clouds or along an elevated city rail as you battle an armored train, the boost in color makes the backgrounds look prettier in this updated version. Some aren't as dark or dramatic looking (like how Level 3's original late-sunset clouds and dark sky are now much brighter), but they still look good. So overall, the game does a pretty solid job on updating the look of the original Genesis version.
The music and sound have also been updated. New, more realistic instruments play the familiar tunes of old, with songs that range from World War II-like marches, to the occasional moody track. All of them are fitting with the idea of flying headlong into battle and add energy to the action happening on-screen with their often rousing compositions. The sound effects, while not a stand out trait, do their job well. Explosions, gun fire, item pickups... they sound fine and don't grate on your nerves.
The gameplay here is pure shmup. Move around the screen and shoot anything that isn't you. You get seven stages to fly through, facing many types of small and medium sized ships, with the expected boss at the end of the stages. The stages themselves scroll not just horizontally, but vertically as well as you dive through clouds, head down into underground bases and climb up a mountain. You'll find powerups that are dropped by certain enemies, which come in the form of money, an \u201cO,\u201d a \u201cP\u201d and a \u201cB.\u201d The money is self explanatory and gives you points. The \u201cO\u201d gives you a pair of small planes (options) that fly above and below you for some extra firepower, while the \u201cB\u201d gives you an extra mega-bomb to use against bosses or to clear the screen of smaller enemies. The \u201cP\u201d gives you a single powerup token, of which you'll need three to bring your guns up to the next level... and there are a lot of levels to your guns (around 20 if I recall). It's a shame that you can't pick up different weapons like you can in many other shmups, but thankfully, what weapons you do have continue to get better throughout most of the game. And the fact that you can fire left or right at any time is a very handy feature to use when getting at the enemies that will come at you from all sides.
A welcome option in this game is that there are two ships to choose from. One is a small plane that's fast, sprays small bombs below it and doesn't have as much armor. The other, is a larger zeppelin that's slow, tough and lobs small bombs out in front of it. They can't be sped up, but both can be leveled up the same amount. Neither feels unusable against the enemies, so which one you choose will depend on your personal preference in ship traits. Lastly, scoring is pretty simple here. Shoot enemies and you get points. The number of bombs you have left gives you extra points at the end of the level, as does how much health you have left and how many dollar items you picked up. And that's about it for the gameplay. Straightforward, but it's executed well.
So what's wrong with the game? A few things, really. Nothing that utterly breaks the game, but things that should have been fixed before release. With the movies that play, you'll find some pretty noticeable artifacts at times, which screams lowered bitrate quality. From the movies, we go to the thin outline around some sprites and background objects that crops up when you're in both fullscreen and windowed mode. The best way I can describe it, is imagine if someone took a large clean sprite image, dropped it into Photoshop and then gave it a very thin, gray-colored stroke around its edges. It's not on everything (though it's close on Level 1), but it's there enough on some sprites and background layers throughout the game to be noticeable. And speaking of sprites, there are aspects of the game's visuals that look mismatched (usually with aspects of the backgrounds or the effects). Soft clouds, soft smoke, soft explosions... things that look clearly different artistically from the harder-edged sprites of the ships and foreground art on some stages. This differing appearance creates a kind of strange mix of visual assets that don't always blend together well.
Getting away from the visuals, there are lots of typos and various oddly worded sentences that really should have been caught over the two years it took to get this game released. As an example, the enemy is either the Morterhead Empire, the Motorohead Empire, or the Motorhead Empire. Those three variants come from the first two movies in the game, which means either someone didn't spell check this very well, or Lemmy and his crew are possibly invading. And with sentences like, "Many fear that this world be the destrugtion of mankind,\u201d there's a real need for someone to go back through the game's text. And finally, the game does stutter at times. It could be slowdown, but it looks more like the game is using frameskipping periodically, resulting in choppier looking movement for short bursts before smoothing out again.
So what can we say about the PC port of Steel Empire? Well, I suppose I should answer the main question. Is it worth buying? In the end, I'd say yes, it is. For $10 (it's current sale price), it's a fun game with good visuals and music, solid controls and hit detection, oldschool gameplay, and a setting that all comes together to create an interesting game that's enjoyable to play through. Yes, it has problems thanks to some stuttering, visual oddities with the sprites (Alpha channel issues? Uneven upscaling?) and a rough translation, but the core game is still there... even if it does feel a bit easier than the Genesis original. So if you like oldschool shmups, you'll likely get your money's worth here. It's still Steel Empire, but with a fresh coat of paint and a few extra dings in its steel hide that weren't there originally.
Score- 7.5 out of 10. I picked this game up on a whim in the Autumn Sale. Unfortunately its release seems to have been overlooked, because as of writing this it doesn't even have a review score. In fact, its lack of a review score is a large part of my reason for writing this review so I'm going to keep this brief. I believe there are people out there that would enjoy this game if they knew about it.
Steel Empire is a shmup with a steam punk aesthetic. You can play either as a zeppelin or a plane and freely switch vehicles between levels. The aircraft have upgradable weapon systems and can shoot left\/right. Although the zeppelin has a slower movement speed, it felt like the stronger ship. There is a story but I've only played one credit so far and I didn't bother to read it. I 1cc'd the game's normal difficult on my first try, so I'd describe it as a pretty easy game. It took a little under an hour which is fairly long for a STG, but the stages felt varied. There is at least one higher difficulty level, but I haven't tried it yet.
It's a neat game and I'd recommend it to shmup beginners and people that like the art style. I may update this review later after playing a higher difficulty level.. 8\/10
Pros: Tight controls, reminiscent of the original. Matter of fact, everything gives off a sense of the original or the GBA remake. The graphics have been noticeably improved upon and the game plays very smooth with little to no stuttering.
Cons: Honestly, the soundtrack feels ripped from the GBA version and then just had that tinny sound removed. Was kinda hoping for a bit more in this department since the music on the genesis could actually hold it's own against the two.
Verdict: If you don't care about the music then this is an instant pick up for any sh'mup fan, difficulty settings give this game nice replayability and will keep you coming back for more.. Fantastic old school shmup! NOT bullet hell. It feels like UN Squadron with R-type mixed together.
Nice soundtrack too, even has the snare drum from sonic and sonic 2 on the genesis.
7 levels, difficulty selection /lives/credits increase the more you play (beat?) the game. You can level up your ship but my only gripe is there's no different weapons, however you *do* get 2 ships with different weapons/strengths/weaknesses to choose from.. A very excellent port of the 3DS remake minus the 3D effects. Pity that this port also didn't bundle in the Genesis\/Mega Drive or GBA versions. Would have made a nice compilation for die hard fans of this game like moi. This is one of the best Shmups for the Genesis\/3DS.. A breath of fresher air to a great steampunk shmup indeed. The viewport feels more sizeable, the projectile clarity is much better, bosses have some new surprises, the art and music have been improved considerably, but the controls seems to be the same (which isn't a bad thing at all, considering the controls were good enough as they were to begin, and simple too!).
I don't know if I got skilled or the game is easier, but for me to beat it on Normal without using a continue? I'm gonna wage I got good without knowing, seeing I have been into shoot'em ups for a while.
A few improvements I think that can be done and an idea to be considered:
- A 2 Player Mode. I know the original didn't have, but that could be an interesting addition.
- More screen and resolution options (default resolution, 2x, 3x, full screen or windowed...)
- Expand control configuration to include customization to keyboard and better detection of Xinput when the controller is plugged in at any point.
- Move the "Save Replay" option to after the player chooses to after the player inputs their initials in the high score.
That's about it. Another thing I'd like to say is that I would love a sequel to Steel Empire, so if it happens... Let us know, ok?
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