
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

StarsOne License

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About This Game

StarsOne program was launched in 2118 with its goal of exploration the nearest stars. Convenient planet was found and process of terraforming was conducting through 7 years 5d3b920ae0

Title: StarsOne
Genre: Action, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, Early Access
Release Date: 8 Apr, 2016

English,Russian,Polish,French,German,Dutch,Simplified Chinese

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Star One just revitalized my love for survival and craft games, this game has a lot of potential, and as I saw Rust turn what is now I would like to see this game grow too! 10/10 PS: Dev, please introduce some descriptions and more information for the ingame objects. Sorry for bad english.. A raw gem,but improvements still required 6/10. Had a lot of good times in this game.. Needs alot of work but is fun to play.. Not much going on here, pass if i were u.. This game could have potential if the developers ever did anything. I'd be happy just to have communication. Extremely poor communication from developers. If you think your questions in the forum will be answered, think again.

A new version is available! (Alpha 20.04.2016) : Fixed bug with saving multiplayer, added the ability to disable opponents, added chat and nickname display, you can skip the night.. A new version is available! (Beta 30.12.2018) : Happy New Year! I wish you happiness, success, love and prosperity in 2019! This update is out of turn. Now it is possible to transport passengers in transport. Visually improved outer space. Improved graphics and optimization. Added new interface elements. Change of clothes and armor will be available in the next update. Converted and improved mobs will also be available again in the next update.. A new version is available! Big update! (Alpha 25.09.2017) : We are working on multiplayer! Completely remade inventory for further introduction of multiplayer. From the chests and mechanisms will be removed items. Changed the spawn of mobs. Increased the number of mobs. Transport now leaves traces of the wheels. Fixed some animations and sounds. Fixed problems with the dungeon. Fixed known bugs. Improved optimization.. MULTIPLAYER is now available! (Beta 27.03.2018) : Multiplayer is now available! Please tell us about all the problems that arise during the game.. A new version is available! (Beta 08.04.2019) : The game is now available research and technology tree. Fixed problem with connecting to server. You can now create homes to build your own colony. Improved optimization for low graphics settings.

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