Title: Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Sawtooth
Genre: Action, Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, Simulation
Star Gem Inc.
Gaijin Entertainment
Release Da
I do not recommend this DLC. The ship is VERY squishy and you die within a good 3 seconds in AI. All it takes is a beam to lock onto you and that's it, you are DONE FOR unless you cloak and once you come out it then you're completely exposed.. I do not recommend this DLC. The ship is VERY squishy and you die within a good 3 seconds in AI. All it takes is a beam to lock onto you and that's it, you are DONE FOR unless you cloak and once you come out it then you're completely exposed.. not really worth it, even at a 50% discount. you also have to log in several times before the premium license days show up.. not really worth it, even at a 50% discount. you also have to log in several times before the premium license days show up.. I do not recommend this DLC. The ship is VERY squishy and you die within a good 3 seconds in AI. All it takes is a beam to lock onto you and that's it, you are DONE FOR unless you cloak and once you come out it then you're completely exposed.. not really worth it, even at a 50% discount. you also have to log in several times before the premium license days show up.. I do not recommend this DLC. The ship is VERY squishy and you die within a good 3 seconds in AI. All it takes is a beam to lock onto you and that's it, you are DONE FOR unless you cloak and once you come out it then you're completely exposed.. not really worth it, even at a 50% discount. you also have to log in several times before the premium license days show up.
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