Title: Space Pirates And Zombies 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Strategy
MinMax Games Ltd.
MinMax Games Ltd.
Release Date: 7 Nov, 2017
English,French,German,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese
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Like a lot of others switching from SPAZ1 to SPAZ2 I was initially put off by the changes. That said, once I dug into the game and got past level 10 (really 15...) and I could actually win some fights it got a lot more fun. Once I got into the end game and started mucking around with various build concepts - I realized that Spaz2 fixed a lot of the build frustrations I had in Spaz1. Missles and drones are both not only viable builds - but excellent builds for me.
Get the demo - level in starbases until at least level 5 and take it slow until 15 - and before you know it you will be having a lot of fun too I'll bet :). Like a lot of others switching from SPAZ1 to SPAZ2 I was initially put off by the changes. That said, once I dug into the game and got past level 10 (really 15...) and I could actually win some fights it got a lot more fun. Once I got into the end game and started mucking around with various build concepts - I realized that Spaz2 fixed a lot of the build frustrations I had in Spaz1. Missles and drones are both not only viable builds - but excellent builds for me.
Get the demo - level in starbases until at least level 5 and take it slow until 15 - and before you know it you will be having a lot of fun too I'll bet :). What a terrible disappointment.
I enjoyed the first SPAZ, flying around and shooting things in a convenient top-down view and gathering materials\/resources. So I hoped this would be a step up. I was wrong.
The game feels like they tried to step it up with 3D graphics and a horribly executed star map. The camera is awful in "combat view" and the 3d graphics are very poorly executed so the top-down view looks ugly as well. The StarMap is absolutely awful where you can fly around and loot resources without fighting anything and the entire map or looks so tiny so you don't feel like you're exploring anything (especially since the star map is nothing but icons representing things as opposed to any graphics that show effort). The ship-construction thing is not fun and the prices of parts means a real grind to get good equipment. The game just stopped being fun entirely.. Really liked the idea of another SPAZ. Unfortunately, pretty unhappy with the experience of this one. The graphics are pretty and I like the developments in the lore for the most part, but the gameplay's fundamentally changed from the first. That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, except SPAZ 2 has restructured the game in a way that mostly eliminates most of what made SPAZ fun. You spend a lot more time in the system map, directing a little arrow around the screen and clicking buttons, and a lot less time flying your little ship around "real space" interacting with other ships directly. The design of the mothership, due to its modular nature, is also much less distinctive and ultimately less charming.
It's a solidly okay game, but if you've played SPAZ 1, you probably won't find much of the same things you liked about SPAZ 1. If you haven't played either, I'd suggest you pick up 1 instead of 2.. Really liked the idea of another SPAZ. Unfortunately, pretty unhappy with the experience of this one. The graphics are pretty and I like the developments in the lore for the most part, but the gameplay's fundamentally changed from the first. That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, except SPAZ 2 has restructured the game in a way that mostly eliminates most of what made SPAZ fun. You spend a lot more time in the system map, directing a little arrow around the screen and clicking buttons, and a lot less time flying your little ship around "real space" interacting with other ships directly. The design of the mothership, due to its modular nature, is also much less distinctive and ultimately less charming.
It's a solidly okay game, but if you've played SPAZ 1, you probably won't find much of the same things you liked about SPAZ 1. If you haven't played either, I'd suggest you pick up 1 instead of 2.. I found this one even better than the first. Way more options and things to do.
However, I ended up finishing the game before I got to do much in the galaxy :(
It is kinda like the pacing of the game was a bit off. But regardless it was hella fun and definitely worth the price.
I still need to try the sandbox mode at some point to see if I can get everything done without the campaign quests breathing down my neck.
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