Title: SoundTracks: The Train Set Game
Genre: Indie, Racing, Simulation
Whoop Group, Kevin Gallagher
Excalibur Games
Excalibur Games
Release Date: 15 Dec, 2017
I bought Tracks: The Train Set Game specifically for the soundtrack, which I have to say is by far the most calming and relaxing game soundtrack out there.
All rendered in playful and gentle piano, this OST perfectly complements the game's ability to draw you in for hours for a relaxing ride, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were able to drop your resting heart rate by at least 10 BPM.
Hearing what has been acheived in this score, I would certainly like to hear more from the composer, Kevin Gallagher, who from my research doesn't seem to have any internet presence with relation to this game. If you ever read this Kevin, you're exceedingly talented and I would love to see a website from you, or at the very least, a Bandcamp page.. can anyone help me i have download this game and it will not let me play and i reinstelld it?. can anyone help me i have download this game and it will not let me play and i reinstelld it?. I bought Tracks: The Train Set Game specifically for the soundtrack, which I have to say is by far the most calming and relaxing game soundtrack out there.
All rendered in playful and gentle piano, this OST perfectly complements the game's ability to draw you in for hours for a relaxing ride, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were able to drop your resting heart rate by at least 10 BPM.
Hearing what has been acheived in this score, I would certainly like to hear more from the composer, Kevin Gallagher, who from my research doesn't seem to have any internet presence with relation to this game. If you ever read this Kevin, you're exceedingly talented and I would love to see a website from you, or at the very least, a Bandcamp page.
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