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Sins Of The Father Movie Free Download Hd ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Sins Of The Father

Genge: Animation,Action,Adventure,Crime,Drama,Family,Fantasy,Mystery
































A young street kid finds himself hunted by Two-Face and the boy insists that he help Batman stop the villain.
So I'm guessing this is a flashback episode, beings that we already saw Drake as Robin in the episode before this. But whatever, it doesn't really matter, what does matter though is that they pretty much nailed this episode. I'm not too familiar with the origin story of Tim Drake, but I like how they based at least his animated version off of Jason Todd. Given my love for Todd's version of Robin, at least they gave another character a version of his backstory. I understand why they didn't have Todd in the series, it would've been too much to have an episode based off of "A Death in the Family". The humor's good, the animation's good, and I love the take on Drake's origin story. Also it was great to see the older version of Dick at the end of the episode, here's hoping there are plenty of episodes with him as Nightwing.
This chapter is the presentation of the Tim Drake's character and how he gets to become Robin. I just saw in the IMDb Trivia Facts, that this incarnation of Tim was planned as a mix of both Tim himself, and Jason Todd, the one who used the Robin's costume (in the comic) before him.

Nevertheless, for me , he is also a synthesis (or at least a mix) of the abilities and personalities of the all the three most important Robins from the comic book: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and, again, Tim Drake himself; having the natural coordination of the first one, the bad habits of the second one, (including "borrowing" other people's properties) and the intelligence and initiative of the third one. This little kid was quick to impress Batman but also to get him upset. This chapter also featured the return of Dick Grayson to be part of this set of adventures.

During the episode we get to know this version of Tim as the son of a man who used to make deals with Two-Face and as kid that steals but, unlike Jason Todd, he only steals donuts, bread and the necessary things to stay alive while his father returns.

Now, same as his Tim Drake counterpart in the comic, he initiates his career by helping the cape crusader, in this case, helping him not to get drowned and to get back safely to the Batcave (also funnily waving at Alfred when they arrive). Seemed to be a winner from the start, but this version of Robin…eh.. do you remember that I just told you that he only stole for food???… well… I have to retract on that one!

IMDb Review by David del Real.

Mexico City. Mexico.

November 8th 2017.

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查看次数: 5


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