Title: ShapeSim - Construction Set
Genre: Free to Play, Simulation, Animation & Modeling, Design & Illustration, Game Development
Release Date: 6 Aug, 2018
Update: new Home + user environments:
New experimental features
1. Home environment:
A modern style home with multiple rooms is now yours. It's empty and waiting for you to place some furniture and ornaments inside
2. User contributed scenes:
By swiping left/right, navigate to a group of picture frames. They are user added scenes online. Grab any with your other hand to visit. Requires internet connection
3. Go back home from anywhere:
By swiping left/right, navigate to a group of pictures depicting your home environment. Grab any with your other hand to go back home. Previously you must find a portal to go back.
1. Oculus is now supported, with similar controls
2. Windows mixed reality is now supported via Steam. Update: new user interface & home:
We have a new user interface. Grab the spheres and gloves on your hand/arm to change editing options
We have a new home. It has some tips on how to get started
. Updated: New additions, Oculus status & bug fix:
-Added gallery room (user's starting location). Touch a model/sculpture and press trigger to teleport into other environments
-Added forest environment
-Added teleportation portal in each environment. Find them and while inside
press trigger to teleport back to gallery room
-Added a simple background melody
-Fixed a bug where object picked up can't be released
-Fixed a bug Vive controller does not appear if turned on post application launch
-Should play better than before
-Nonetheless, we are not supporting Oculus at the moment
Please report in the forums
Thanks!. Update: New control scheme, new graphics & NPCs:
Update of Home environment:
1. Better graphics
2. Pre-furnished with simple furniture
A few experimental NPC avatars are now in home to offer guidance
Control and movement scheme:
1. Press on left touchpad to move in the direction you pressed.
2. Press on right touchpad to levitate or turn.
3. Tap on touchpad's left and right edges to cycle through tools.
4. Tap on touchpad's top and bottom edges to pad either shrink/enlarge, or cycle through objects.
1. Use left thumbstick to move in the direction you push the stick.
2. Use right thumbstick to levitate or turn quickly
3. Press the A,X or B,Y buttons to shrink/enlarge, or cycle through more objects
4. Tap the Oculus thumbrest pad to cycle through more tools
. Update: bug fixes:
Minor improvement:
-When using the white or blue glove to place item from hand to world, the placed item no longer disappears after items are scrolled.
-When switching workspaces, the teleporter grabbed would no longer appear detached from its hierarchy once moved.
-Background is now a more majestic abstract landscape. If the app quits ...:
If the app quits and you have Oculus, a user has reported:
Uninstalling Oculus resolved the problem.
Also, you can try:
1. Launch the Oculus App.
2. Log in to your Oculus account
3. In Oculus's app, go to:
Settings -> General -> Unknown Sources
Switch 'Unknown Sources' button to on
4. Launch ShapeSim again. Update: updated control scheme and new construction sets:
New features:
Both PC and VR interface updated. The main tools have been condensed to:
Grab (Blue glove)
Grab with physics (White glove)
Duplicate (Green glove)
Delete (Red glove)
Current construction set
Construction set selections
Workspace selections
New sets:
New construction sets are available and are currently for free for testing
New workspaces:
new Workspace 1-4. Update:
New 3d models/props
Hundreds of new models can now be previewed for a future DLC release.
Swipe left/right to switch categories
Swipe up/down in category for next page of objects
The first 9 objects of each category is unlocked free
Experimental scaling feature
While an object is held, swipe up/down to enlarge/shrink the object
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