Title: Save the Creatures
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, Strategy
Michael Porter, Aaron Smith, Andrew Thomas
Michael Porter
Release Date: 18 Oct, 2015
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There are many criticisms to levy against Save the Creatures but they all pale in comparison to itu2019s fatal flaw: It does not function as is intended. The basic gameplay is fundamentally broken. To save the titular creatures youu2019re meant to (quickly; 3 seconds of set up) arrange arrows across the map to help the u201ccreaturesu201d navigate from the egg piles they spaw from to a hole in the ground that is safety. The arrows change the direction of the u201ccreatureu201d or that is what theyu2019re supposed to do. More often than not the u201ccreaturesu201d just phase through the arrows. On the rare occasion I got to witness the u201ccreatureu201d actually interacting with the arrows and changing direction it never once successfully engaged with the second arrow. The arrows that are the core mechanic of the game do not interact with the u201ccreatureu201d. lol wut? I spent nearly an hour, fifty minutes, roughly 3,000 beats of my heart, attempting to pass the very first level. In all that time the game failed to function properly a single time. One tragic bug I experienced is the fail state after your 3 creatures are dead only triggers 25% of the time, leaving the game just frozen. Yeah this game was always gonna be of low quality, I went into this expecting nothing but a bare bones u201cpuzzleu201d game. Oh how lofty my expectations were. This game fails to do the incredibly basic concept it sets out to achieve. I get that every dev has to start somewhere, making a simple game, but for it to be sold for real human currency it has to at least FUNCTION. Luckily, I doubt there will be anyone reading this let alone looking to buy this game, so it will die the obscure death it has earned. Gotta love that the only other review is the dev (or devs friend/relative). I would give them the benefit of the doubt as to not being conscious of how scummy selling a broken game is but naw, they know what theyu2019re doing. Can you imagine the tragic justifications the dev would scramble to throw up if actually confronted for being basically a scammer? Now Iu2019m on a tangent. Review over. This game canu2019t suck or be bad, it does not function. It is not a game. Complete and total failure. RIP the devs integrity.
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