Title: Ruzar - The Life Stone - Challenge Map
Genre: RPG
Hammer Glass Studio
Hammer Glass Studio
Release Date: 22 Feb, 2016
For $3.99 this DLC is a bit lacking!
Essentially it's 9 maps that are small and act more as an arena than a dungeon map. You must clear ALL the monsters on the level to win the challenge. There are no new monsters, traps, or puzzles. It is essentially jump into the map, evade and fight until you clear all the monsters. Monsters give no experience points or treasure. The only expereince and treasure you get are after you finish the challenge a bag appears near the area exit. I have played through ALL 9 challenges and must admit the loot is junk! I think I got one item in all 9 challenges that was worth anything. The rest were stones and 25 copper, 18 copper, etc... Not very rewarding. Oh and you get some experience too when clearing a challenge (about 400xp which is a joke compared to the number of monsters you just cleared).
A point system is generated somehow by your success and is displayed on the wall outside each challenge. Weird
查看次数: 5
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