Title: Rocket League x Monstercat Vol. 5
Genre: Action, Indie, Racing, Sports
Psyonix, Inc.
Psyonix, Inc.
Release Date: 3 Dec, 2018
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Music DLC's are totally worth it if you prefer listening to the actual music in game, but would like to hear more than the 6 or so original tracks. Plus House is my favorite dance music. Getting them to actually download and go into the game took me a bit of fiddling, so if you run into the same issue, relog Steam, go to the game's DLC's section in the library or properties, untick and retick the "Install" check boxes until you see them downloading - may take a second to show it's downloading and may not show an installation blue bar.. Monstercat always never disappoints! :-D 10/10. Music DLC's are totally worth it if you prefer listening to the actual music in game, but would like to hear more than the 6 or so original tracks. Plus House is my favorite dance music. Getting them to actually download and go into the game took me a bit of fiddling, so if you run into the same issue, relog Steam, go to the game's DLC's section in the library or properties, untick and retick the "Install" check boxes until you see them downloading - may take a second to show it's downloading and may not show an installation blue bar.. Monstercat always never disappoints! :-D 10/10
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