
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Ever done something stupid Did you learn from it Wealth Activation Blueprint Review  or did you make the same mistake again I know I have done more stupid things than I care to admit but in the end in most cases I'm not perfect I learned the necessary lesson and didn't make the same mistake again. Oh sure, I made a similar mistake again, but justified it with the reasons above or different circumstances. So you might ask, what gives me the right to write this article Great question. I don't have the right to write it from the perspective of someone who claims to have a great deal of wisdom but someone who wants to share what I have learned.Ever done something stupid Did you learn from it or did you make the same mistake again I know I have done more stupid things than I care to admit but in the end in most cases I'm not perfect I learned the necessary lesson and didn't make the same mistake again. Oh sure, I made a similar mistake again, but justified it with the reasons above or different circumstances. So you might ask, what gives me the right to write this article Great question. I don't have the right to write it from the perspective of someone who claims to have a great deal of wisdom but someone who wants to share what I have learned.
Suffering is a normal part of life. No one escapes its presence in life. But the question remains  do you use it to learn or whine, get wiser or complain or get stronger or feel like life is picking on you  a victim mentality.During my many years I have endured a great deal of suffering and pain so I am not coming at this topic from a mindset of arrogance, denial or superiority but from humility and gratitude. How can you feel gratitude for suffering you might ask Great question but since sooner or later we all suffer in life in some way and in the end suffering or its cause or contributors gives us the choice as how we view the causes and pain from an attitude of acceptance, anger, helplessness or gratitude.
There are many causes of suffering  the loss of a loved one before their time, the end of a relationship you didn't see coming or didn't choose, the loss of health weather from the passage of time and aging or poor decisions along life's path, the loss of financial security, the loss of a career or job in no way due to your performance or skills. I could go on but suffering is just as much a part of life as celebrating another birthday.Suffering can destroy us and those around us or it can cause us to pause and think about what we still have in spite of our loss or pain due to it. Over the years I have met hundreds of people who have suffered in some way where they didn't feel responsible  whether an act of nature or some stupid driver on the highway but in the end these people grew or remained stuck in a victim mentality. Not to mention how many people chose to blame God for their trials or adversity.
I am not going to get into a spiritual discussion about whether God is responsible or not but rather how we can choose to respond to the causes of our pain or suffering.Following are a few of the categories I have come up with that determine our reactions or responses to the cause and consequences of suffering.Before I share these views let me define what I mean by being an observer since I am confident I don't need to define  victim. An observer is someone who has the courage, maturity, experience or ability to observe life's circumstances whether positive or negative from a neutral perspective. Regardless of the situation  whether winning a million dollars in a lottery or losing a job, career or business an observer is able to stay focused on what to do and when and how and not staying stuck in the why. Yes, they experience the same pain due to a loss but they use their pain to grow, learn or get stronger and not waddle in the negatives for days, months or even years. They handle it, manage it and move on.


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