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RAGE 2 Ativador Download [portable]

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About This Game

Dive headfirst into a dystopian world devoid of society, law, and order. RAGE 2 brings together two studio powerhouses–Avalanche Studios, masters of open world insanity, and id Software, creators of the first-person shooter –to deliver a carnival of carnage where you can go anywhere, shoot anything, and explode everything.

An asteroid has annihilated 80% of the earth’s population, and humanity’s numbers are dwindling. Ruthless and bloodthirsty gangs roam the open roads and the tyrannical Authority seek to rule with an iron fist. As Walker, the last Ranger of the wasteland and a threat to their power, you have been robbed of your home and left for dead. Now you’ll have to rage for justice and freedom. With ludicrous vehicle combat, super-powered first-person mayhem, and an open world full of emergent madness, you will tear across an unforgiving wasteland battling sadistic gangs to find the tools and tech needed to crush the oppressive rule of The Authority once and for all.

Key Features:

    id Software’s shooter pedigree and Avalanche Studios’ open world prowess is dream-team-made-real for RAGE 2. It’s more than a shooter, more than an open world game – it’s a shooterverse.

    Seamlessly traverse a vast and varied landscape, from lush jungles and treacherous swamps to sun-scorched deserts in your pursuit of The Authority. The wasteland is massive, and you’ve got the arsenal to fight for every inch.

    From monster trucks to gyrocopters, use an assortment of rugged and wasteland-ready vehicles to speed across the badlands. If you see it, you can drive it.

    Bring the pain using a collection of upgradable weapons, devastating Nanotrite powers, and Overdrive, the ability to push your guns beyond their mechanical limits.

    Fight against ferocious factions for control of the wasteland, each featuring a rogue’s gallery of madmen, mutants, and monsters hungry for blood.

Title: RAGE 2
Genre: Action
id Software, Avalanche Studios
Bethesda Softworks
Release Date: 14 May, 2019


  • OS: Win7, 8.1, or 10 (64-Bit versions)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-3570 or AMD Ryzen 3 1300X
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 780 3GB or AMD R9 280 3GB
  • Storage: 50 GB available space

English,French,Italian,German,Japanese,Korean,Polish,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese

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The game's not bad, but I'm going with a "Don't Recommend" rating based on the price tag.

If this game was $29.99 or cheaper, I'd recommend it, so maybe keep it in mind if it ever goes on deep sale.

-Great gunplay and core combat mechanics. The game really shines when you're in the thick of battle. Combat feels similar to Doom, but a bit slower and more methodical. I spent more time during engagements calculating my next moves, as opposed to Doom where during most engagements all I could think was "Oh s h i t, oh \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 oh \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 oh s h i t!"

-Interesting art style with some great visuals. Gore aplenty.

-The world feels very alive or at least lived-in. Despite how over the top and silly it can be, it still feels like a real world and can be quite immersive.

-Vehicle combat is lackluster. This is the #1 reason I'm not recommending it. This is a game that largely sold itself as a Mad Max style game with a big emphasis on the vehicular combat, but I've yet to have much fun with it. Vehicle handling with mouse and keyboard isn't terrible, but it is done better by many other games. Also, your main vehicle comes equipped with auto-aim weapons. I looked for a way to turn off the aim-assist, but couldn't find a way to do it. This takes a considerable amount of fun out of the combat. There are a good variety of vehicles, some of which feel decent to use, but overall I really haven't had much fun engaging in what is supposed to be one of the game's marquee features.

-The game feels very padded. Lots of driving from one spot to the next. Sure, there's stuff you can find along the way, but I still groaned every time a quest marker popped up on the other side of the map.

-It's very grindy for a single player game. Rather than having linear story missions, it gives you three factions you have to build your reputation with to progress the story. This means you have to grind side activities for HOURS.

-There's a good amount of depth to the game's progression, but it crosses the line into feeling excessive.. I'm not bothered by deep and complex progression systems if the game is something I plan on putting many hours into. However, after 7 hours I've already concluded that I will not continue playing after the campaign is over, so dealing with the progression systems at this point just feels tedious.

-Boss fights are a bit of a joke. Granted I'm only 7 hours into the game, so there might be better bosses later on, but the one's I've been encountering have all been a joke. Pop Overdrive, spam rockets and\/or shotgun blasts into the enemy's head or weak points, it's over. Doom's boss encounters were far superior.

Overall, the game's combat is enjoyable enough where I plan on grinding out the campaign until it's over to get as much value as I can out of the purchase. However, I don't think this game is worth the price tag. For me, a $60 game should provide me with at least 30 hours of entertainment, or in cases like Doom 2016, 15 hours of heart-pounding exhilaration. Rage 2 has its exhilarating moments here and there, but there's far too much downtime and too much tedium in between those moments.. Would not recommend this game for $60. Took me about 10 hours to complete the main story which seemed like it consisted of only 8 quests or so. My playtime is where it's at because I left it on overnight. There's still a lot of SIDE stuff to do but it's all tedious and boring. Map is pretty small and empty. Copy\/paste buildings and no inside areas to explore besides story quest areas. Never died playing through it on Hard difficulty either. I just can't tell someone this is worth it at the current price.. Gunplay and powers are great.
Combat is really fun.
Driving and Vehicle combat is decent.

Open world is decent but can be improved upon. A lot of repetitive quests but I don't mind since i enjoy the combat.

Story is okay so far but it's not really a game you'd buy for the story narrative anyway. It's really more of just shutting your brain off and enjoying the carnage.

I'd definitely recommend for purchase even if at least later on when it goes on sale.. Would not recommend unless on sale.

Its a decent game but its not worth of its current price tag.

Contents start to run dry and become repetitive after awhile. But the gun play is good and dynamic.. After 23 hours of playing this game, finishing the "campaign" and clearing most of the map of "activities" (...), I feel that I can finally give an accurate verdict.

Though of course, please do take note that this is my personal opinion - I am not telling anybody to dislike it.

I will try to keep it simple with pros & cons - as well as some small notes at the end.


Combat (extremely fun, good weapon feeling, and lots of variety in general in how you choose to take down your targets)

Visuals (once you got got rid of all the blur and TAA)

Performance (runs perfect on my not so amazing system)

Weapons (I love the way they allow you to upgrade them)

World (It is beautiful, and massive)


Campaign painfully short

Characters extremely shallow

Extremely poor lipsync (most characters seem to have difficulties closing their mouths, but you see their tongues moving about in there constantly. It gives me a Wallace & Gromit vibe)

Severe lack of variety in voicelines. (Especially in the Phoenix and general remarks from the protagonist when running into enemy camps or mutant nests. I think there's only two separate voicelines for this, and Lily in return uses the same copypaste voicelines back. It becomes very boring very quickly.)

Way too console-y. (Want to get into a vehicle? Press and hold your use button. Want to climb ladders? Press and hold. Want to open chests? Press and hold. Craft items? Press and hold. Upgrades? I think you can see where I'm getting at. This takes away a hefty chunk out of the enjoyment of the game for me. It just feels extremely slow and clunky. Why can't they just let us simply press<\/b> a button and be done with it?)

Driving (extremely mediocre, and the cars all feel the same)

Vehicular combat (autoaim to please the console plebs I'd wager)

Hardcoded keybindings (to be specific, the Icarus and the motorbikes ignores my ESDF bindings in controls, which renders them undrivable. Not being able to play the game the way I want ruins the experience for me. Otherwise I'd probably try to 100% this game at least before uninstalling)

Way too repetitive once you finished the campaign. It's the same things to do over and over and over.

I must add this as well (edited 2019-06-02) - the stupid (and unskippable) message screens that appears whenever you cleared an enemy camp, finished a mission, or whatever. Sometimes up to three in a row. They appear, pause your game, and forces you to sit through and look at text confirming what you basically just did. Takes about 59 years for them to disappear. In my opinion these should just go away completely. I already know that I killed enemies, and probably gained experience with whatever faction. Why pause the gameplay just to show me? Just add a simple "!" notification in the corner of the screen or something. Stop slowing me down. Thank you.

And this is probably a little nitpicky of me but there's just way, waaaay too many keybindings to keep track of. I'm a quaker at heart so I wouldn't say I'm a stranger to many keybindings. I'm used to having up to 6 or more weapon bindings, in addition to movement, jumping, firing, and so on. But I keep running out of keys to bind for Rage 2. There's simply too much crap; too cluttered. I even had to resort to using the weapon wheel to switch weapons, which feels too console-y... which just makes the game that much worse to me. But whatever.

I think that's it.

If you enjoy repetitive gameplay and can stand doing the same thing for hours on end without becoming bored out of your mind, then by all means - this game is for you. If you want variety, however... I suggest you keep looking.

I really did try to like this game, but it just isn't for me.

Perhaps for you?. Fun gunplay but boring everything else. Wait for sale.. It's like Mad Max except instead of being Batman when you're not in a vehicle, you're Doomguy. Decent.. Would not recommend this game for $60. Took me about 10 hours to complete the main story which seemed like it consisted of only 8 quests or so. My playtime is where it's at because I left it on overnight. There's still a lot of SIDE stuff to do but it's all tedious and boring. Map is pretty small and empty. Copy\/paste buildings and no inside areas to explore besides story quest areas. Never died playing through it on Hard difficulty either. I just can't tell someone this is worth it at the current price.

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