Title: Qbike: Crypto Motorcycles
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, Racing, Simulation, Sports, Early Access
Release Date: 5 Oct, 2017
English,French,German,Simplified Chinese,Korean,Dutch,Russian,Czech
A good idea, but no community and no answer from developer :(. This game is very, very enjoyable, one bug i found was powerups not recharging for 1 match. I purchased this game, played for a good 30 minutes with my friend. and really enjoyed it. The menu was a small bit confusing. yet simple, I feel it has great taste. The tron feel. only first person which adds a cherry on top. now at first i didnt like first person. because all trons ive played were third. i now prefer it to be honest.
Over all. i highly suggest buying this. ONLY! if u have a friend to play it with. like i did
7\/10 good buy add more maps and vehicles. and it will be a 10\/10 (i had small lag at start of match). Great game to play with friends, due to little to no playerbase as of now. This game will be much better as players start playing more, and if there was a training AI to mess around with while waiting.
The graphics are very reminicent to TRON, however, are still unique. The music is very much the same.
There is not a lot to to right now in terms of gameplay, but it is still fun to play. Could still use more customization\/gamemodes.
Overall: 7\/10
Audio\/Visual: 9\/10
Gameplay: 5\/10
. This game is very, very enjoyable, one bug i found was powerups not recharging for 1 match. I purchased this game, played for a good 30 minutes with my friend. and really enjoyed it. The menu was a small bit confusing. yet simple, I feel it has great taste. The tron feel. only first person which adds a cherry on top. now at first i didnt like first person. because all trons ive played were third. i now prefer it to be honest.
Over all. i highly suggest buying this. ONLY! if u have a friend to play it with. like i did
7\/10 good buy add more maps and vehicles. and it will be a 10\/10 (i had small lag at start of match). A good idea, but no community and no answer from developer :(. No one plays it. Great game to play with friends, due to little to no playerbase as of now. This game will be much better as players start playing more, and if there was a training AI to mess around with while waiting.
The graphics are very reminicent to TRON, however, are still unique. The music is very much the same.
There is not a lot to to right now in terms of gameplay, but it is still fun to play. Could still use more customization\/gamemodes.
Overall: 7\/10
Audio\/Visual: 9\/10
Gameplay: 5\/10
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